Question for deafies (from a hearie)..


New Member
Sep 27, 2006
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What is your point-of-view regarding conversating with hearing people whose asl skills are pretty lousy? Do you:

A) stand there patiently while they drum out what they have to say :blah:

B) kind of zone out :zzz::blah: or,

C) generally avoid them altogether? :ugh:

I ask this because none to few times, I've chatted with deaf and I suppose i wasn't quite fluent or engaging enough because their gaze drifted elsewhere. It's a little embarassing that I'm just not at that level yet. I will be some day though, not any time soon. I've been signing for 2 years so i'd like to think that my conversational skills have improved somewhat. :roll:

Perhaps i should have made this thread a poll but i didn't think it was too much of a big deal.:shrug:
I think I have more patience than most deafies only because I hear a lot and speak well, not to mention being a good listener regardless of my hearing status. As a very general statement, the less they hear, the less skilled they lipread, etc, the more apt you are to run into the situations you mentioned so don't judge them too harshly.....not that you would but, ya know.......:P
I think I have more patience than most deafies only because I hear a lot and speak well, not to mention being a good listener regardless of my hearing status. As a very general statement, the less they hear, the less skilled they lipread, etc, the more apt you are to run into the situations you mentioned so don't judge them too harshly.....not that you would but, ya know.......:P

Thanks for your feedback. I'd like to believe i'm not judging. Actually, I feel like I'M the one being judged based on my signing. I'm sorry..that sounds inordinally selfish.
I smoke a lot of weed, so my mind is a lot slower and more patience with those slow pokes.

When I encounter a new signer, I remind myself that I used to be in the same exact position which helps me exercise a little more patience. I don't ignore hearies that have poor signing skills. Instead, I use the opportunity as a means to help them improve their signing. 99% of them are appreciative and do their best to make communication work. Personally, I think it's impolite for a d/Deaf or deafblind person to ignore a poor signer. After all, ignoring a signer is no different than two hearies talking to each other when one of them suddenly gets up in the middle of the conversation and walks off. There's absolutely no excuse for this kind of behavior -- not to mention the fact that it's rude and inconsiderate.
That's funny how you mention this thread, oh my gosh!! My poor deaf friends had to suffer with me :lol: For the most part they were VERY VERY patient with me as I progressed through the years. Looking back , poor them :eek3: If signed something wrong they would teach me the right sign for a certain word. I been signing for thirteen years its not enough still learning everyday :)
That's funny how you mention this thread, oh my gosh!! My poor deaf friends had to suffer with me :lol: For the most part they were VERY VERY patient with me as I progressed through the years. Looking back , poor them :eek3: If signed something wrong they would teach me the right sign for a certain word. I been signing for thirteen years its not enough still learning everyday :)

Lol, see that's exactly how i feel. Lordy, do I make my deaf friends suffer! I feel like they are doing me a favor just by wanting to be seen with me. :P They do tolerate me very well.

When I encounter a new signer, I remind myself that I used to be in the same exact position which helps me exercise a little more patience. I don't ignore hearies that have poor signing skills. Instead, I use the opportunity as a means to help them improve their signing. 99% of them are appreciative and do their best to make communication work. Personally, I think it's impolite for a d/Deaf or deafblind person to ignore a poor signer. After all, ignoring a signer is no different than two hearies talking to each other when one of them suddenly gets up in the middle of the conversation and walks off. There's absolutely no excuse for this kind of behavior -- not to mention the fact that it's rude and inconsiderate.

Thanks for that. Would really be awesome if i could talk to you in person.:ty:
Lol, see that's exactly how i feel. Lordy, do I make my deaf friends suffer! I feel like they are doing me a favor just by wanting to be seen with me. :P They do tolerate me very well.

My deaf friends were pretty patient with me. I need to ask them how they felt when I first met them :hmm: I know one of them said, that I can't stop signing. Its all good :giggle:
I'm paitent. I know how much work it is to learn another language and they're making an attempt, which is the big issue, not how well they do it.