Prove it or else?

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LOL yep, I agree with you it very immature and childish asking to "DEMAND" sources and links. Just because a person put the informatinos link on post does not means a person stealing copy right. If someone put their names "UNDER" the copy right then that would be stealing. So I checked Ader's rules say nothing about required to provide the source.
But they were not in your own words, You copied word by word on your whole entire post without providing a source where you got that information from.

I'll show you two examples: Your post; Source you copied your post off to
Another post of yours Then someone asked for the source where did you got your information from. Your responded was: Your post
You lied about it, then someone found the source where you copied and paste off of Pamphet Jesus

tsk tsk tsk tsk.
But they were not in your own words, You copied word by word on your whole entire post without providing a source where you got that information from.

I'll show you two examples: Your post Source you copied your post off to
Another post of yoursThen someone asked for the source you got your information from.You responded Your post
You lied about it, then someone found the source where you copied and paste off of Pamphet Jesus

Do yourself a favor "put a lid on it!" it obvioulsy you don't get it! You can't read me well enough to stop bashing me on post what I posted. I never said it written by me. Only "HALF" is my words. I would bet you do copy and past and you still get away with it. Tsk tsk. Peace!
Do yourself a favor "put a lid on it!" it obvioulsy you don't get it! You can't read me well enough to stop bashing me on post what I posted. I never said it written by me. Only "HALF" is my words. Peace!
I'm sorry that you think I'm bashing you, I'm only stating the truth as the truth sets you free. ;)
Do yourself a favor "put a lid on it!" it obvioulsy you don't get it! You can't read me well enough to stop bashing me on post what I posted. I never said it written by me. Only "HALF" is my words. I would bet you do copy and past and you still get away with it. Tsk tsk. Peace!

She does get it. You are the one that doesn't get it. Cheri has proven beyond the doubt of where you got your "posts" from. It is illegel to do that without providing source. If she has done copy and pasting without providing sources, Prove it just like Cheri did with yours.

as you said. tsk tsk. :nono:
I think this thread has proved its point. And as Roadrunner has stated we can all expect some type of announcement within in the near future.

As for providing links or sources sometimes it is possible to do so, depending on the forum you are posting in, but at other times it is also depends upon your own experiences for which we would have little proof of as in a link.

In the end, I think instead of demanding links, we should be demanding ourselves to try to understand where the other poster is coming from a little bit better.

With that said!

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