Process of CI


Active Member
Sep 9, 2014
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I'm thinking about getting a CI. I am newly deaf and really didn't put thought into it before but now I think it's more of a need for me. Can anyone explain the process. I'm 26 and have only been completely deaf in my right ear for 2 years now.

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There are many, many threads here on AD that discuss this topic. If you look in the Cochlear Implant/Hearing aid threads you might find some useful information. I had my first CI surgery four years ago and my second CI surgery a few months ago. I have zero hearing remaining so CI's were a great choice for me.

Good luck.
You have to first go through the formality of getting tested to see if you qualify. For people in the US under 65, that means you have less than 50% hearing, aided. You also need an MRI/CT scan to make sure physically your ear can accept the CI. Some insurance companies require a psychological exam to make sure you are willing to put in the work to rehab your ear. Other companies require balance testing to make sure you won't have issues after the surgery.

Your first step should be to find a Cochlear Implant center near you and make an appointment (or get a referral from your primary dr if you need one).