Problems with VP


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I am wondering if anyone here has experienced problems with their Sorenson VP-100 when they try and talk with someone who has VP-200. I have all my settings configured properly and have used it many times successfully before but for some reason tonight I wasn't able to establish a good connection with Shelly when we tried to talk. It kept disconnecting and she said I appeared choppy.

Any ideas?
..It kept disconnecting and she said I appeared choppy.

..umm...get some windex and.....:lol:

Hmm..never had a problem using the VP when doing so with anyone else...unless this was your first time using it? I'm sure someone here in AD might have a possible solution to the problem, otherwise, contact your VP service provider, maybe they'll be able to readily give you a solution or two. ;)

I think I figured it out. we changed the phone number on our VP. that made it not work. I THINK.:ugh3:
Changing the phone number wont hurt on your vp100 but I am not sure about vp200. I have had my number changed once on my vp 100 due to problem in the past. But now I have no problem and relaxing.
Could have been the static IP changed by just one number or so. Also depends on internet connection and if you are using the VP at the same time as computer.
Best to have the Sorenson techs to check it out, just in case. :)
VP number change have nothing to do with quality of connection. Actually the VP number is NOT telephone number. It is VIDEOPHONE number. Big different, also, Videophone have nothing to do with telephone company. BUT it has to do with associating with Public IP address.

When you see poor video, usually it is caused by poor networking connections not the VP itself as most people assumed.

Check all network cable connections, loosen cable from Modem/router/VP/PC can cause slow down and video freezes. Sometimes Internet service company have network outrages, that is why it is good idea to contact them first to see whats going on with Internet connections. If they said they are experiencing technical difficulties in your area, then it is wise to be patience and wait for them to restore the outrage. Changing your VP setting will do no good and can make it worse, so don't bother with it.

Its very important to pay attention to speed on your VP. You should be able to send between 248 and 252KBPS, and recieving speed around 500KBPS with at least 25 FPS on both ways. If it is less than that, don't bother trying to change any setting on your VP except adjust VP speed to 256 as send speed, 512 as recieve speed. If your VP already set to 256 (top) and bottom at 512,

then next is run speed test using your computer. go to Speakeasy - Speakeasy, Inc. - Broadband, Voice and Data Services and select the cities that is farthest froim you. Pay extra attention to upload speed which is the most common problem. If it is less than 350KBPS, call your Internet company to check the connection. You should be getting that speed at least for what you pay for.

Also, sometimes router or modem firewall becomes enabled meaning protection is on for the Internet traffic to your VP will slow down and cause freezes. If you need help disable the firewall for the VP, call Tech support and they will help you how to set up the router and modem. If you see Modem and VP and think it is ok, really you can not see the firewall setting until you go inside the modem and set up. FYI, sometimes Internet service company forced upgrade the software on your modem, then the firewall will automatically turned on, end up poor video, black screen, etc. That is something we all don't have control over.

Also, it is important to check other end VP to see if they might have bad connection. If they have poor connection, it will always affect your VP video quality. It takes ***BOTH*** end with excellent connections to make VP quality awesome. Make sure their VP-100 speed setting is set to 256/512, if they set to 256/256, or 512/512, it will cause poor video quality.

If everyting looks good, just call Sorenson Tech support and let them observe your VP. They will make decision on what solution to use.

I think I figured it out. we changed the phone number on our VP. that made it not work. I THINK.:ugh3: