Problem with our daughter - Bi-lateral CI


New Member
Feb 21, 2005
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We have a huge problem with our daughter...

About 3 months after she had her CI, she began making words. Now, 2+ years later, we are not able to shut her up!!!
She just keeps on asking questions, telling about her day, etc.

What can we do??

We tried to remove the CI (well, the spool...), and in itself, that's not a problem. But she keeps on talking, even though she doesn't hear her own voice..

Where the "off-"botton ???

This cannot be normal in a 4-1/2 year old !!!

Any advise is more than welcome....

.... Cloggy...
I am sure that inside, you are rejoicing in this! It is just like walking, we can't wait for our first kid to walk and we push and push and then they do, and we slap ourselves, saying what were we thinking, before they just sat there and how great was that! LOL
When my daughter went thru that, I would just yak back at her until she got sick of me doing the same. LOL!

I have students who do that.,,,always tapping me on my shoulders every minute just to ask me what's that or why why why why ...some days it is good some days it is like STOP and give me a break for a min PLS!

My son will soon enter that we go!

Congrats..I am sure u are happy.
I've got a 3 1/2 year old nephew and a 2 year old niece and I sometimes wish THEY had "off-button's" too, Cloggy! Chalk it up to childhood and learning. I think its so awesome that Lotte is enjoying learning from you and your family as much as she is!!!

We have a huge problem with our daughter...

About 3 months after she had her CI, she began making words. Now, 2+ years later, we are not able to shut her up!!!
She just keeps on asking questions, telling about her day, etc.

What can we do??

We tried to remove the CI (well, the spool...), and in itself, that's not a problem. But she keeps on talking, even though she doesn't hear her own voice..

Where the "off-"botton ???

This cannot be normal in a 4-1/2 year old !!!

Any advise is more than welcome....

.... Cloggy...

It is normal.. i can remember my son turned 4.. he was motormouth... wont shut up... always ask questions like how.. why...etc
Where the "off-"botton ???

This cannot be normal in a 4-1/2 year old !!!

Any advise is more than welcome....

.... Cloggy...

Hmmm if we lived closer I would introduce her to my 4-1/2 year old and they can talk until the cows come home! My daughter's favourite statements right now are "put your hand up if you like icecream" "put your hand up if you like apples" and on and on.

It's a nice stage actually :)
I know, just kidding,

It's the most beautiful sound in the world... well almost...

Please, don't give me advise or share your stories.
After your lying and backstabbing towards me and others, I really don't like it you pretending all's well.

You lied about me, and behaved hypocritically towards Lillys Dad, so everything is definitely NOT OK
Cloggy: We may not know each other well but I know you secretly are happy that your Deaf daughter can talk all day long to the point where it drives you up the wall. :P Send Lotte over here & my girls will gladly talk to her all day for you! ;)


It's amazing - I know my family is still amazed years later having had me, their Deaf daughter/granddaughter/niece/cousin/whatever I am to them be able to talk & talk really well at that so while I drove my Mom up the wall with all the babbling I did I know she didn't mind toooo much as she'd rather have me be a "babbling Brook" as some people called me rather than not be able to talk well. And that is how I know how you feel about your Lotte. :)

As for her asking questions alot - wow. My daughter is 6 and 4 and they don't really come to us asking a whole bunch of questions yet. Unless we're having a converstation about stuff and they don't understand something or is in the process of learning something new, that's when they'll ask "why" to this and that. We just answer back in the age apporiate answer for them.

Sorry for the spelling and typos. - I can spell & type but I'm in a bit in a mood where I can't slow down to fix my mistakes. lol.
...... Send Lotte over here & my girls will gladly talk to her all day for you!
........ And that is how I know how you feel about your Lotte. :) .........
Does FedEx deliver children.... :)

You're absolutely right... I wouldn't want it any other way...

(...obviously I didn't want advise, I just wanted to brag about Lotte...)
Alas, this is all too normal, as my 4 1/2 year old with normal hearing who has a fifteen hear old sister with moderate-severe loss is exactly the same. Our audiologist says that it is the product of being in a "language rich environment", which I think is just a nice phrase for having parents who talk a lot, and who view every experience even as mundane as grocery shopping or laundry as an opportunity to expand one's language and vocabulary.

One of the dads with a 4 1/2 year old daughter whom I did a successful Bi-CI appeal for said that the happiest day of his life was the first time he snapped at his deaf daughter with a Bi-CI to "shut up". As he relayed this story to me, he said that all his emotions that he had kept in check during the entire 2+ year process of diagnosis, moving to the US so his child could get adequate treatment, getting the first CI, then fighting for the second one completely boiled over at that point and he cried for about half an hour.

Keep up the good work !



We have a huge problem with our daughter...

About 3 months after she had her CI, she began making words. Now, 2+ years later, we are not able to shut her up!!!
She just keeps on asking questions, telling about her day, etc.

What can we do??

We tried to remove the CI (well, the spool...), and in itself, that's not a problem. But she keeps on talking, even though she doesn't hear her own voice..

Where the "off-"botton ???

This cannot be normal in a 4-1/2 year old !!!

Any advise is more than welcome....

.... Cloggy...

We have a huge problem with our daughter...

About 3 months after she had her CI, she began making words. Now, 2+ years later, we are not able to shut her up!!!
She just keeps on asking questions, telling about her day, etc.

What can we do??

We tried to remove the CI (well, the spool...), and in itself, that's not a problem. But she keeps on talking, even though she doesn't hear her own voice..

Where the "off-"botton ???

This cannot be normal in a 4-1/2 year old !!!

Any advise is more than welcome....

.... Cloggy...


Gee, she sures sounds like a typical 4 1/2 year old, not atypical at all!

But then, what do we know, we arre only raising ci kids and are around others ones as well!

Isn't it great!

Cloggy, sounds like you've got MY daughter! 7 yrs old, implanted for 5.5 yrs, and I can no longer get a word in edgewise! And you know what? I LOVE it!!

Cloggy, sounds like you've got MY daughter! 7 yrs old, implanted for 5.5 yrs, and I can no longer get a word in edgewise! And you know what? I LOVE it!!


Same here, my daughter is 20 and implanted for 18 years and I gave up trying to get a word in edgewise long ago!
Cloggy from what I hear you better enjoy every minute.My neighbor has a daughter,she and my son used to play when they were little now they are both in high school.He said she never talks to me anymore and when she does she either wants something or is fighting with him.So glad Ive got a boy. although me thinks she's spoiled!
Cloggy - its almost as good being on the receiving end and being ABLE to understand all those questions! My nephew is constantly asking "why?" with regards to everything he sees - its nice that I can hear his questions and give his answers. Quite often now he'll come up to me to ask something - I love it! And I know I'd never be able to lipread him if I didn't have my CI (I've taken it off and TRIED!)
What does a CI have to do with it?!? ;) Women...they are all the same..yak, yak, daughter took off since 3 yrs old and is still going at it at 7. :D

Cloggy, glad to hear that she is doing so well and no, there is no hope of finding the "off" switch either. Just grin it and bear it!!!
Actually, having a CI is really handy for when you want to "switch off" from a heated discussion. When you've had enough of someone :blah: just pretend to turn them off, it does wonders. Shame we can't do it on the internet though.
Actually, having a CI is really handy for when you want to "switch off" from a heated discussion. When you've had enough of someone :blah: just pretend to turn them off, it does wonders. Shame we can't do it on the internet though.

Believe it or not, I never, never turned off my HA or now my CI just to not hear what somebody has to say. To me that is incredibly rude and childish no matter what the reasons are. I mean do the hearing get that same opportunity? I prefer to instead work my way out of the conversation/discussion/argument and let it be know I have no interest in continuing that line of thought. Of course, I can "tune" anybody out just like the best of them but I don't turn off my device.

I will admit I did that once (my one and only time) early in my marriage with my wife and I having a heated silly argument over something I can't even recall what it was about now. That was when I had an HA and I turned it off. My wife just turned it back on and I realized how immature I was being about it and that taught me a lesson.

It is one thing if it something that is not really directed at you such as a loudspeaker. It is another thing when somebody is communicating with you.

*cough* I'm sorry to pontificate on that...just my two cents...