Prayers Needed For Taylor

Hi Taylor, My name is Heath and I am Deaf and use ASL. I do not know you but I can tell by reading what happened then to have you get up like a new man from the hospital was great to read. I hope you can hit the streets again. I have family in the military ( All 4 branches of the US Armed Forces, no Coast Guard yet ) and the Pennsylvania state police , I also have a relative in Boston , Massasschusetts who is a cop but I don't know my uncle too well. He is always busy fighting crime. I wanted to say a word of encouragement. Do you know what the motto on all of the Pennsylvania State Police patrol cars says ?

" Soldier of the Law "

God Bless You Taylor and be the best crime fighter that you can be and stay safe on those mean streets on combat patrol and never ever let the bad guys savor victory, only you savor victory !!!! God Bless and Semper Fidelis, Heath
I looked for a state police car photo of the motto and could not find it ....This is not the barracks where my relatives work for the PSP. They don't have a website because my hometown is a small relatively and thankfully crime-free town. This bigger state police barracks does have a website with the " Soldier of the Law " Call of Honor on there
Yay!!! Taylor is back. Taylor, your post here telling us that you thanks us enough for your strength to get back on your feet. I am glad that you are strong and willing to move on without any problem. Hugs Take care. :wave:
Taylor said:
I'm not even sure where to start with this post LOL. Everyones posts here have left me absolutely speechless and I've tried writing a 'Thank You' post several times but have never been able to find the words to express the feelings I have over the many posts in this thread. I'd start typing and nothing ever sounded like it said enough.

In the hospital, it was lights out for awhile. When I woke up, I found that a fellow officer had printed the posts from this thread and hung them up on the wall of my room. I cannot even put into words what I felt while reading those (yes ladies...some men do cry although its hard to admit :) )

Unfortunately, when I woke up I did not have any computer access and relied on friends to pass messages back and forth (Big Thanks and Hugs to K-9 Cop for taking care of all of that).

I cannot say enough how overcome I was with emotion when I read the posts from this thread. What was just as touching is that some of the posts in this thread are from people who disagreed with me greatly and I thought they had ill will towards me. That showed that even those of us who disagree on things can still be friends.

I wish there was a way to repay the thoughts and prayers from everyone. Again, I cannot even find the right words to explain how I felt then and how I feel now. Please know that the support from everyone here made a HUGE difference in my recovery and getting fully back on my feet. In my eyes, the folks of AD stepped up to help me in a great time of need. I want to say Thank You to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, well-wishes, cards, and even phone calls. I'm lucky to have been a part of AD and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about how grateful I am.

:applause: WELCOME BACK, TAYLOR... :hug: I'm looking forward to see your posts around here... :ily: I'm really glad that you doing great...

That showed that even those of us who disagree on things can still be friends.

Yes, very true... It doesn't mean that we hate each other because we have different view. I have online friends who disagree with me as I disagree with them, too.. It's important that we won't let anyone to affect our friendship because we are mature enough to understand the difference between private and debate forum. :thumb:

Welcome back Taylor!!!!! So good to see u posting again!! Glad to hear u are back to ur feet and doing well!!!!

:welcome: BACK Taylor!! Glad you are okay..

I have a lot of cousins who are cops, Woodbridge, VA State Police, DC Cop, and West Virginia State Polices and I have work with Campus polices few years ago and they are soooo sweet... One of them said if I got pull over, I will have to buy him a beer and they will trash the tickets.. Hehe!! :mrgreen:

I am glad you are BAAACKK!! Can't wait to see your posts... But first, take easy and rest...
:applause: Welcome back Taylor :applause: , it soo good to see you back here again!!! :hug:
What a touching post, Taylor... bought tears to my eyes. I'm glad you're all better now! Yes, I agree that it's possible to be friends even if there are disagreements. What a valuable lesson to see that, huh?!
WB, Taylor!!! We have greatly missed you and your views around, now, dont leave us again...say for another 10 years?
Welcome back, Taylor ! I am so glad that you are doin' so well so far. We were thinkin' of you in our prayers. It's good to see you back. :hug:
He's Back!!!!!!!

Taylor said:
In the hospital, it was lights out for awhile. When I woke up, I found that a fellow officer had printed the posts from this thread and hung them up on the wall of my room. I cannot even put into words what I felt while reading those (yes ladies...some men do cry although its hard to admit :) )

I cannot say enough how overcome I was with emotion when I read the posts from this thread. What was just as touching is that some of the posts in this thread are from people who disagreed with me greatly and I thought they had ill will towards me. That showed that even those of us who disagree on things can still be friends.

YEAH!!!!!!!! :dance: :cheers:

Welcome back, Taylor. I thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw Andy again. It's been tough around here lately, so it's wonderful to hear some good news. Don't worry about the waterworks. Your friends here wouldn't rat you out to the guys back at the precinct. Even Captain Sipowitz has a soft side. :P
Welcome back Taylor!

Taylor said:
I wish there was a way to repay the thoughts and prayers from everyone.
The best way you can do that is to stay healthy and join us here again at AllDeaf. :P
Very cool, brother.. am glad you're back on your feet and have rejoined the donut munch... i mean the brothers at the police school. :)

stay safe, brother..
Wecome back, "Officer" Taylor :applause: Looking forward to your more postings and stay well :thumb:
Yeah, stay well, Taylor, or I'll f***ing kill ya.
Taylor it's about time you got back. If you ever give us a scare like that again I will personally kick your :booty:

great to see you back man :smoking: