Poll: Growing number incorrectly call Obama Muslim

And heard the same kind of rhetorics that even Farahkan would be proud to hear.

Uhh...do you know and understand the difference in doctrine of the Black Muslim religion, and the Muslim religion? Obviously not.
You don't actually "need" to go to a mosque to be Muslim. As long as your skin is a bit darker, you look vaguely like "them Arabs," and you don't blindly hate other Muslims and spew islamophobic crap every 5 minutes, then of course you must be a Muslim. There's no other possibility.

That would appear to be the case for those who are obviously suffering from paranoia of anything or anyone that does not match them or their particular belief system. And they want to say America is tolerant!:laugh2:
We have spent literally trillions of dollars in social programs over several decades and still the poor gets the shaft or that they are strung along and are overly and forever dependent on government support rather than helping bootstrap themselves for a change.

You are completely delusional. Not to mention uninformed.:roll: and unable to use any degree of fluid thought.
Kokonut is right, President Bush gave the most money of any President to Africa and AIDS research.

The bailout money Obama spent went to rich corporations, not the poor.

And, according to Koko, money we don't have! Shame on Bush for spending like that when the National Debt was so high!!!
About his private life/thoughts? I dunno...

Exactly. What in the heck does any of this have to do with his political career? I am always amazed at the underhanded and sneaky ways that people attempt to discredit our President and the stupid and irrelevent things they attempt to connect to the political office. And then they want to turn around and say, "I'm not a racist!" when it is perfectly obvious that there are objections being made that have virtually nothing to do with politics.:roll:
No, he didn't make a campaign promise to discuss his beliefs but he did declare himself as a Christian during his campaign, so it was no secret. If he truly wanted to keep his beliefs private he would have said, "That is a private matter that I don't wish to share." Since he didn't take the privacy route, then continued transparency along that line is expected.

He was forced into making a statement regarding his relifgious belief system because of all the morons who kept putting out the erroneous information that he was a Muslim. Geeze. And obviously, people don't get that it didn't work then, and it isn't going to work now. All that is being accomplished is that the rumor mongers are looking like a bunch of undereducated, uniformed, prejudiced, bigotted, intolerant jerks. On second thought, maybe they should keep going.:P We are finally getting the truth of the situation.
I am wondering if anyone agrees with me that it would be idiotic for Obama to stand up and say "I am not a Muslim!" :aw:

Yes, I agree with you, and for obvious reasons. At least, obvious to anyone that understands the nature of language.
Black has NOTHING to do with it. It's the broken promises we despise. You basically just called us racist.....Not cool. I have very valid reasons for not liking obama.

You can have valid reasons for not liking the President and call yourself whatever you want...Christian, Muslim, martian, etc.

Seperation of church and state (even if there is gray) is what makes western civ a nice realm.
And everyone hates "broken promises" or "lies"...Government is not perfectly transparent for this -primarily- reason. There are going to be "Lies". Language isn't perfectly set from one area to another, backgrounds in education, etc.

Otherwise, we'd all get what we wanted when we wanted it and uh, that's not possible. In reality, we have limited resources.

It's what we value as Americans that should be reflected in our policy making.
He was forced into making a statement regarding his relifgious belief system because of all the morons who kept putting out the erroneous information that he was a Muslim. Geeze. And obviously, people don't get that it didn't work then, and it isn't going to work now. All that is being accomplished is that the rumor mongers are looking like a bunch of undereducated, uniformed, prejudiced, bigotted, intolerant jerks. On second thought, maybe they should keep going.:P We are finally getting the truth of the situation.
How was he forced? He couldn't say, "None of your business"?

Usually by the time a politician makes the national scene, everyone know his or her religious beliefs. It's not something Top Secret. Everyone knows the Kennedys were Catholic, Romney is Mormon, Lieberman is Jewish, and Carter is Southern Baptist, for example.
How was he forced? He couldn't say, "None of your business"?

Usually by the time a politician makes the national scene, everyone know his or her religious beliefs. It's not something Top Secret. Everyone knows the Kennedys were Catholic, Romney is Mormon, Lieberman is Jewish, and Carter is Southern Baptist, for example.

And Clinton a Methodist ..... so is Bush.

Oh boy, she really does spin doesn't she :giggle:
and Abe Lincoln, Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson, Harry Truman, Richard Johnson, Al Gore, Nelson Rockefeller

..............all Baptists.

My such a big secret to share with the public .....
and Abe Lincoln, Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson, Harry Truman, Richard Johnson, Al Gore, Nelson Rockefeller

..............all Baptists.

My such a big secret to share with the public .....
Shhhh! Don't let anyone know! :giggle:
I am sure they were (((((ahem))))) forced through coercion and intimidation to give up those secrets too

LOL :giggle:

so if the Presidential candidate is Muslim.... he has no shot at all?
so if the Presidential candidate is Muslim.... he has no shot at all?

I wouldn't think so. However, if the presidential candidate is Muslim and lies and says he is christian, that is an entirely different story altogether.
so if the Presidential candidate is Muslim.... he has no shot at all?

I don't think it would matter what religion a President was if he abides by the Constitution and is competent.

If obama had kept his promises and turned the country around he could worship roaches and fair minded people wouldn't care. Well unless he aired that on C-SPAN...... :giggle:
I wouldn't think so. However, if the presidential candidate is Muslim and lies and says he is christian, that is an entirely different story altogether.

how? I didn't know you have to be Christian/Catholic to be the President