Please welcome v8racing to AD~!


New Member
Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score
G'day...please welcome v8racing to AD! He's my step son and he saw this site whilst I was surfing through some threads and asked if he could register here. I told him he's 15 and can do whatever he wants! Heh.. :) Just be patient with him! ;) :applause:
Welcome, and I will try to not hold the fact that WaterRats13 is your step mom against you.
Hey, v8racing! Glad that you want to join us! :cheers: :dance: Let's do some booga! Lalala! Heh.
Hey all -- ;) Just because he's my step son and is 15 years old -- I would like for you all to try to use as simple of sentences as you can because he's not quite literate enough to understand 'advanced' worded sentences, if you get the gist?
He mainly likes to talk about V8 racing cars and maybe motorcycles if anyone talks about them. OK? If anything, PM me -- and ask me questions, ok? Ta!
Originally posted by bbnt
Welcome, and I will try to not hold the fact that WaterRats13 is your step mom against you.

Heheheh...very funny! :P He just happened to look over my shoulder whilst I was looking through the threads of AD and asked what it was. I explained the basics of what AD was all about. He said, 'I'm gonna sign up!'
HEY V8 Welcome to AD family, I known ur step mom for 20 yrs and u got the best of the best, she's a gem :)

U should post some of ur fave things in the sports threads, i ll be glad to help u out as much as possible, and u can IM me as your mom knows my AIM sn :)

:ily: to u and welcome to AD :)
Whoa another one? Thats cool. Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay. I take it your stepmother is hogging the pc? :mrgreen:
Wolfboy said:
Whoa another one? Thats cool. Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay. I take it your stepmother is hogging the pc? :mrgreen:

:rofl: Nahhh...we have 5 computers at home -- 4 in the house and 1 at my parents in law's house out front. :P
Each kid have their own and myself and hubby have our own. So, no battling over who'd be next on the computer, heheh!
BabyPhat21 said:

dont worry mom I will try to refrain from being naughty!!!

Ooooo...dayum...that means we all have to be more careful of what we say and which thread we can be :naughty: in and which not to be. :P