Please stop it

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Sep 18, 2005
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This forum isn't for whining ,abusing or exploitting members' good intentions :ugh3: It's getting old and boring.. If you don't like the you live in and don't really want to take advices then stop starting 'useless' threads.

Let's be mature ,please .Thank you :)
Yes, You have something forget.... I might add my comment on this post: This forum isn't for spammings and stop starting 'useless' threads. ;)
This forum isn't for whining ,abusing or exploitting members' good intentions :ugh3: It's getting old and boring.. If you don't like the you live in and don't really want to take advices then stop starting 'useless' threads.

Let's be mature ,please .Thank you :)

So, what you're saying is that it's okay to start threads as long as they aren't expressing our frustrations in the "General Chat" forum, and that whatever thread topic we do start, we need to accept everyone's advice?

:hmm: I dunno about that one...
I second that moonflower :h5:
eh?...I have no clue what this is all about..:iough:
While I was on my break time during my work and I read some posts at "Please let me rant" thread and here, this thread post.

*sighs* I can't believe it. I thought The*Empress was somebody else which was now turned out it's Deafilmedia! I expressed to her out FOR NOTHING!!!! I might have missed some posts while Bear busted her... Now, I'm so pissed off at her. Really, I don't know about her at all. Now, I am competely fool and so stupid for it. :(
Ah, well, I retract my previous statement. That does make sense. Was it all a lie (the "Let me Rant" thread) to get attention, or was there some truth to it?
I dont care anymore. To be honest everytime I read one of her Kinder-posts I swear my I.Q. drops a point. They are that hard for me to read and understand.

She needs to grow up and get a life.
So, what you're saying is that it's okay to start threads as long as they aren't expressing our frustrations in the "General Chat" forum, and that whatever thread topic we do start, we need to accept everyone's advice?

:hmm: I dunno about that one...

She retracted that statement - it is of no value in this thread anymore. :afro:
true its of no value but nevertheless i still say


if the rants re real not a lie then who are we to judge ppl s frustration? granted we dont need to give advice and ignore him or her

even if its a lie then why talk about it why nto ignore him or her? whoever that person u were talking about lol forgive me sorry i dont know much about deaf world hehe, anyhoo

i ll get to the point ... if that person wants to rant so what? it will only affect ppl who actually choose not to ignore just telling what i think hehe hope i dont offend anyone

g day XD
I dont care anymore. To be honest everytime I read one of her Kinder-posts I swear my I.Q. drops a point. They are that hard for me to read and understand.

She needs to grow up and get a life.

Haha :lol: also her posts make childish, jejune, puppyish, schoolgirlish or immature too :lol: ;););)
hmm didnt know we resorts to name calling what is this middle school?
if she perfer to keep on whining and have no life fine whatever floats her boat its us that can simply ignore her post or block her if this alld eaf have that feature which i m not too sure of

we shouldnt flame other deaf ppl just cuz they want to rant or whine what happened to unity? everyone was talkong about deaf should stay united
sup with that?
hmm didnt know we resorts to name calling what
we shouldnt flame other deaf ppl just cuz they want to rant or whine what happened to unity? everyone was talkong about deaf should stay united
sup with that?

Unity? What, is AD an army?

I think people should be able to vent their frusterations from time to time, but whining on the scale that Deafilmedia is doing is probably cause for banning by moderartors in virtually every other forum I've been at.

what and give up the right of freedom of speech? the medrators can always delete her posts and ppl can always ignore her she have the right to whine i dont give a crap

it just doesnt make sense if that ppl re whining about a super whiner i just got back in alld eaf so i m not really updated ont his situation but then even thro i am i probably wouldnt care only thing i do care about is why not ppl just stop whining completely? but then the society will crumble.....

makes me wonder if we were looking for a scapegoat to complain about once we find someone whom we dont like? i m not taking sides i m merely trying to clarify this seemly pointless posts

why am i posting? cuz i felt like it simple as that
i made some advice to her if she choose not to listen and keep on whining its cool with me cuz i can easily ignore all the threads deafmedia made all i have to do is look who made the threat and skip that thread

i know i know its very hard for some of you since some of u re in symbiote with ur computer but it actually should be easy
all u have to do is "ooo lookie a deafmedia" and skip that thread
Heres your cheese to go with your whine.


This forum isn't for whining ,abusing or exploitting members' good intentions :ugh3: It's getting old and boring.. If you don't like the you live in and don't really want to take advices then stop starting 'useless' threads.

Let's be mature ,please .Thank you :)

Highland, ya know if I were you, I would pratice what I preach...:ugh3:
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