Please help Stop the Inhumanity


New Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Through Facebook, I was invited to join two groups that were focusing on the prevention of animal cruelty. Please if you truly care, give yourself a moment to read those two cases and also consider signing the petitions as well.

Prevent the "Artistic" Death of an Innocent Animal
From the link of Facebook: Login | Facebook

"In 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, tied him to a rope in an art gallery and began starving him to death.

For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition watched, emotionless, the shameful 'masterpiece' based on the dog's agony, until eventually he died.

Does THIS sound like art to you?

AND, for those of you saying "This is all a hoax, etc," here is a direct quote FROM THE 'ARTIST' himself!:
"I knew the dog died on the following day from lack of food. During the inauguration, I knew that the dog was persecuted in the evening between the houses of aluminum and cardboard in a district of Managua. 5 children who helped to capture the dog received 10 bonds of córdobas for their assistance. The name of the dog was Natividad, and I let him die of hunger in the sight of everyone, as if the death of a poor dog was a shameless media show in which nobody does anything but to applaud or to watch disturbed. In the place that the dog was exposed remain a metal cable and a cord. The dog was extremely ill and did not want to eat, so in natural surroundings it would have died anyway; thus they are all poor stray dogs: sooner or later they die or are killed."

Sign Petitions:
Boycott to the presence of Guillermo Vargas "Habacuc" at the Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008 Petition
Boicot a la presencia de Guillermo Habacuc Vargas en la Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008 Petition

Check out the facebook link given for more information & photos related to this case.

Stop LIVE animal skinning in China

From the Facebook link: Login | Facebook

"This is a call for signatures to a petition to help stop the LIVE skinning of cats & dogs. Yes that's right, LIVE... Imagine someone going up to your dog or cat and skinning it live. This is happening today in 2008 in China and it is DISGUSTING.
1) Head to Welcome to Animal Saviors
2) Watch the video to see it for yourself (see warning)
3) Sign the petition "
For Non-FB users

Ah duh me... My apologies. I just realized that not everyone has a membership for Facebook so I'll share the description and the links here regarding to preventing the "Artistic" Death of an Innocent Animal:

"..... Does THIS sound like art to you?.....

But this is not all... the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of Central America decided that the 'installation' WAS actually art, so Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the Biennial of 2008. "

Lifestyles of the Chic & Vegan: Starved Dog As Art Update
“Artist” Leaves Dog To Die on Exhibition Display - Killing Animals as Form of Contemporary High Art - Softpedia
Artist Guillermo Vargas - Habacuc - Euro Weekly News

All the information related to stopping LIVE animal skinning in China are from the website of:
Welcome to Animal Saviors