Pinkster Gets a New Job!!


New Member
Jul 15, 2003
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well as discuraged as she was, i draged her off to get a new job last night. She went in and impressed them so much she got not 1 but 2 interviews the same night! I only got 1 interview so far, so i'm impressed.
Care to tell us more about her new job. What is the name of the company she is now working for?
about time she make a whole makeover.. a new haircut.. a new job.. a new..... huh what's next :naughty:

Glad she got new job instead of those Stressful idiotic bead store.
First, a haircut. Now, a couple interviews. What's next? :crazy: Heh!
that's great to hear...I wish her the best!...Go Pinkster!.. :grouphug:
Wow Impressive, First a famous style of hair cut and now two interviews... I am Super Proud of Her! :applause: :thumb:
lol.. I missed this thread till just now.. I'll be working part time at Target, uh huh, you heard me, TARGET!

The very same place who gave me bullshit about being deaf.... durr.... Well the lady was super nice and said, "well we will start you on the sales floor and if that doesnt work out, we'll make you a cashier. With your experience in sales, I dont see why you cant work on the sales floor, and the walkie-talkie situation is workable. It'll be harder but its doable." (ok somehting like that, not exactly.)

But Im not leaving the bead, not yet. Target pays a little more than $2 less than I make now, and im only guarunteed 15-20 hours.. so i cant leave the bead.. :( I have mixed feelings about that.. I like my job, and what if I just work less there? ya know?

But thanks everyone :) and a :kiss: for megladon! :P

(oh and the haircut thing was totally unrelated to finding a new job.. i had been talking about cutting my hair for like 6 months and last week i said it again. My co-worker said "u've been saying that forever, i bet you wont do it" I said whatcha wanna bet? So she bet that i wouldnt cut my hair by May 10, and if she was right, I'd have to make her a necklace. But if i wont, she has to make me one :) So I won, and im awaiting the beaded necklace she will make me!! PINK!! She knows what she got into :P)
DeafSCUBA98 said:
about time she make a whole makeover.. a new haircut.. a new job.. a new..... huh what's next :naughty:

Glad she got new job instead of those Stressful idiotic bead store.

new friends... starting with getting rid of you!!!!

lol jk meme :ily:!!
pinkster said:
lol.. I missed this thread till just now.. I'll be working part time at Target, uh huh, you heard me, TARGET!

funny thing we slipped into similar situations...see, finding a job where they can pay you well is really difficult as shit...well same thing for me. I haven't find a very good place where I can work as a simple position for a deaf dude like me...stocking supplies. Yep to organize, box and ship, clean, know, the easy stuff where I can just keep working without having to help the customers or something like that but proably would have to do that too. I can read lips but some people just talk too damned fast or mumble so I have to take the notepad with me, just in case.

I've got an interview at Target also...that's right TARGET! bullseye! whee!

okay so yeah it went well for me also...I got through the first interview and then she said she's going to take this paper to her manager, which is the boss, indeed and then got into the second interview with him...of course, the second interview is proably good news because for most people who went through the first interview with an employeer, they often tell them that they will call them and decided if they like to go through an interview with the boss or...NOT! so I got through two interviews at the same day and was kinda lucky to have a good conversation with the boss and so Target called when I got home and they said they will look for an department that might find me suitable to work in so they won't hire me yet until they are done with with enough interviews with enough people, that is. I might be able to work around 3am (yes 3am!) with no customers around, I would just stock and load supplies in until sunrise until customers comes in and I might just as well go home and sleep some more lol...I think they told me that I would earn about 7 dollars an hour or so so it's all good. I'm still waiting for Target to call though...good luck with yours, Pinkie. :D
WTG jams! theres always great news when it comes to succeeding! u did tons of that!!!!!!!

WTG jams! :)