picture of Hurricane Isabel just before hitting US coasts

Banjo said:
No, it's not a fake. It's a picture of a cold front or something.

Hi, I know it wasn't a fake, what it was meant is that it wasn't the ACTUAL picture of Hurricane Isabel as previously stated. :P

Yes, the picture is real. However, it's not a picture of Hurricane Isabel. It's a picture of Cyclone Graham in the Pacific Ocean from over 6 months ago.
:crazy: I got that picture a while ago via email. I have to admit at first I believed but when I showed it to my wife. Seesh, she slapped my head and said it is FAKE. WHY? look at water, it is calm. If, it is hurricane, the water will be very rough. Pretty obviously, the picture was modified. However it is very beautiful picture.
wizard said:
:crazy: I got that picture a while ago via email. I have to admit at first I believed but when I showed it to my wife. Seesh, she slapped my head and said it is FAKE. WHY? look at water, it is calm. If, it is hurricane, the water will be very rough. Pretty obviously, the picture was modified. However it is very beautiful picture.
It's not a modified picture. It's a picture of a cyclone. If it was a hurricane, it would be all windy and wavy. If it was a picture of a cyclone, then it would be calm but with concentrated win in one part... the cyclone. In this picture, it's a picture of Cyclone Graham from over 6 months ago. Yep, the picture is real... just not of Hurricane Isabel.
:Oops: Sorry I misunderstood you. I thought you meant hurricane but it was cyclone. My mistake. :)