Picture I took in a church on my trip to Italy


New Member
Nov 23, 2006
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what can you see on this pic? OOHH MY GOOOOD!!!!

Nice try...
Fire your pants!
I've seen those picture coming from jokes sites outside website.
Few ministers got in trouble for molested young boys I heard the news long ago. That remark seems joke what they got idea from it.
It is a joke...I think I have seen that somewhere in a joke site. Cant remember.
wow they should replace that window cuz i think its improper for that especially in a church?? jeez...
Actually, all it is, is a kid being prayed for by the bishop? arch-bishop? priest? Something like that.

This stain-glass would have been done AGES before the child-molestation allegations arose.
Back when the buildings were made (circa 1800's to 1900's)

And this picture has been around for ages, I have seen it on many sites, all over the place. MarktheMarker, you didn't take this photo, did you?
Yeah... I think it is stupid.... Acutally most of priests of Catholic churches.. did molested little boys... GRRRRR....
Yeah... I think it is stupid.... Acutally most of priests of Catholic churches.. did molested little boys... GRRRRR....

Actually, there are only a few priests who molest little boys, it is the few that ruin it for all.

There are quite a few GOOD Catholic priests out there, who are totally against molesting little children.

:rl: to the evil priests who DO molest children.