Pics of you - Part IV

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Me , my dog, my birthday present! Fun day.


Is that a camera that you got?
Yes. Vivitar 12.1 megapixels. It is nice.

Wow!! 12.1!!!

The pics were taken with my 5 year old camera with 4.0 megapixels..I am waiting for it to die so I can buy a new one. LOL!

Nice gift!
Shel, it looks like you had a blast! I will be going to a "get-together" soon so hopefully I will capture a few pictures as well!
me @ the fashion show party. and no I'm not a stylish model like authentic :lol:

me @ the fashion show party. and no I'm not a stylish model like authentic :lol:


authentic tends to show his shoes, and where is yours? ;) hehe Just kiddddding. You look great. It suits you so well. hey, did you get phone numbers from them?
Jiro, you look sharp!
authentic tends to show his shoes, and where is yours? ;) hehe Just kiddddding. You look great. It suits you so well. hey, did you get phone numbers from them?
Maybe he's too embarrassing to show his flip flops
That's why! You are so smart. :giggle:

every man and woman has needs - both emotionally and physically. we all want to feel good about ourselves so we turn to drugs, booze, plastic surgery, etc. My service is 100% natural and healthy - a solution for life! :)
every man and woman has needs - both emotionally and physically. we all want to feel good about ourselves so we turn to drugs, booze, plastic surgery, etc. My service is 100% natural and healthy - a solution for life! :)

hey, cannabis is natural and healthy (for some people, that is)! :giggle:
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