Physically deaf, culturally hearing


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Jan 11, 2014
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Physically deaf, culturally hearing – Opinion – ABC Ramp Up (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Not all people who experience a degree of hearing loss can be categorised as 'deaf', writes Jillian Ash.

It has become inaccurate to assume that all people who have any degree of hearing loss can only be categorised as 'deaf'.

Thanks to advancing technology, improving early intervention practices, and the implementation of newborn hearing screen tests, we are seeing a growing, new generation of 'hard of hearing' people - those who are physically deaf but identify as belonging to the hearing culture.
Jillian Ash should only be speaking for herself and not every person that deaf or hoh.
Jillian Ash should only be speaking for herself and not every person that deaf or hoh.

I do not think that she thinks she is speaking for every person that is deaf or HOH. I feel that she is speaking of a group of people that really does exist and I did not get the impression that she was trying to say others do not exist.
Jillian Ash should only be speaking for herself and not every person that deaf or hoh.

i am not sure what was offensive, and i am sorry you read it that way. i only posted it as it mirrors my feelings prefectly, yet i haven't found a way to adequately explain to eother the hearing OR Deaf worlds
One of the things that I don't understand.....She's all "we're hearing we're hearing!" Ummm the thing is hearing people don't use FMs, ALDs, captioning,etc........And what do you do when you DON"T have access to technology? It just seems like the typical AG Bell member argument "I'm pretty much hearing b/c I don't "depend" on a 'terp......Well you do depend on all that other stuff that hearing people don't. You're lost without captioning, hearing aids, CIs etc Also, HOH people say that they don't feel like they fit into the hearing world 100%... If you don't feel like you fit into the hearing world 100% you only have PARTIAL access. Why not acknowledge that you don't fit into the hearing world 100% and discover your NON hearing side? That would be like being GLB or black or fill in the blank and trying to confirm to majority norms without discovering GLB community, black community, or whatever stuff.
Psssst you don't have to perfectly hearing to be culturally hearing just like you don't have to be deaf to be culturally Deaf. Capiche?

I think and talk like hearing person, because I basically am a hearing person that became deaf. I have experiences that someone that has always been deaf wouldn't have. And I don't have experiences that someone born deaf would have. So there's a chasm there.

I'm not going to just chuck my hearing aids and cut myself off from the world just because I can't be "as hearing" as the rest of the hearies. That's ****ing stupid.
Psssst you don't have to perfectly hearing to be culturally hearing just like you don't have to be deaf to be culturally Deaf. Capiche?

I think and talk like hearing person, because I basically am a hearing person that became deaf. I have experiences that someone that has always been deaf wouldn't have. And I don't have experiences that someone born deaf would have. So there's a chasm there.

I'm not going to just chuck my hearing aids and cut myself off from the world just because I can't be "as hearing" as the rest of the hearies. That's ****ing stupid.

You described this so clearly and it is not just yourself that is in this position! Thank you.
Exactly... you're late deafened.....Your issues would be the SAME if say you were late blinded or late wheelchair user.....You are culturely hearing b/c you grew up hearing. You don't have the experiances/frames of reference that we who were born/early dhh do. Even someone who was born HOH isn't nessarily cultureally hearing....they have never heard normally....
Exactly... you're late deafened.....Your issues would be the SAME if say you were late blinded or late wheelchair user.....You are culturely hearing b/c you grew up hearing. You don't have the experiances/frames of reference that we who were born/early dhh do. Even someone who was born HOH isn't nessarily cultureally hearing....they have never heard normally....

but then again someone born HOH and raised as hearing being mainsteamed could be considered as culturally hearing. The problem i see is it is different depending on who what when ect. not eveyone fits is any one group
There is no black and white, deaf and hearing. The audio gram is huge being HoH doesn't make you an alien species. Get off it woman, yes some with between mild and severe losses CAN be part of the hearing world. Do they hear exactly the same as someone with normal hearing? No. Do they have enough access to sound and speech to be involved in the hearing world. Yes quite possibly!!!!

Do you have any idea how horrid you sound deafdyke?? That since their hearing isn't exactly the same as a hearing person they should just throw in the towel and just be involved with the deaf world.....when they're not even deaf and CAN be involved. Because they need hearing aids and other accommodations they just shouldn't even bother trying??

Don't tell us what we can't do!
Omg your horrible attitude makes me want chew nails.

Would you tell a chubby girl, you know you're never going to be skinny, there's no point in you trying to healthy and get some exercise because you're just always going to be fat. You should probably just embrace your inner fat girl go sit on the couch and eat pizza and cupcakes.

Hey you on the track team, you're never ever going to cross the finish line first, you shouldn't bother, you should maybe go play checkers or something.
That's what you sound like. I have so many nasty names I want to hurl at you and cram down your sorry face I can't even.....

Like seriously could you ****ing not!!!
I have a few questions for you DD. Because I'm genuinely mystified why you try to make mild and moderate losses sound so much worse than they are.

Have you ever been hearing? As hearing as hearing can be? Have you ever been deaf? Like stone deaf with out hearing aids you can't even hear your own voice? Severe? Moderate? I have no idea where you fall on the audio gram, but I'm fairly certain it's not that far down it.

Because I have, been all of those things. Experienced the entire spectrum for periods of time. I've even had single sided deafness mmmkay. I didn't have sudden loss. It was a slow slide with some big drops that took almost 20 years to get actual bonafide "not hearing" side of the audio gram. The middle of it isn't as bad as you make it out to be and yes someone who is HoH is perfectly capable of being involved in the hearing world.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and dragging everybody down to you and STFU :)

Have a nice night
Okay I've calmed down :)

Obviously DD did not read the link, as usual and just got her soap box about us never being "as hearing as a hearing person" like that matters and we should just not even bother. Which is what pisses me off do bad about her.

But anyway....the article isn't about people with mild/moderate losses. It's about deaf people with CI that through technology let them be HoH. They have enough access to sound that they are fully involved with the hearing world and in effect "feel" hearing, and identify more with hearing than deaf.

If that's how they feel what business is it of anyone elses's? DD you're not deaf, but call yourself deaf, whatever. None of my business. I don't care.

How someone identifies should be up to them, no one else. That the point. You DD don't get to decide how someone identifies themselves. It ain't none of yo business.

I have 5 brothers and sisters, we're about as white, blonde haired and blue eyed as you can get. Except brother was adopted when he was 3 weeks old, he's philipinno. He's 30, and has never been involved in philipinno culture ever. Does he identify as white? No, but is he culturally Philippino? Nooooooooooooo. Get it yet?
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Feeling sorry for myself? WHERE the heck do you get THAT?!?!?
Being Deaf isn't bad....Yes, we get it... You hate being dhh....You're pretty much a hearing person.
I'm simply asking if you're born/early dhh why not embrace ALL the tools possible? Despite your ranting and raving I'm not a deaf equalivant of a lesbian separatist.....I'm very HOH. That said, I know the LIMITAIONS of a pure oral/depending exclusively on sound approach.Remember the HARD in the hard of hearing......No matter how good the sound access is through technology, it's still limiting and still not as good as hearing person hearing.
Because of your attitude, and your obsession with not being as hearing as a hearing person.

It's very telling. That you don't feel good enough so you shouldn't even bother trying. You tried to have surgery to correct your hearing, it didn't work. And now you're on this weird mission. It's obvious. You also never read anything posted, you just insert your diatribe. This article has NOTHING to do with HoH people with mild or moderate losses. But see if you read it you'd know that.

It also doesn't matter if through hearing technology your hearing isn't the same as a hearing persons. IT DOES NOT MATTER. It CAN still be quite good, it doesn't have to perfect. See that your tell,what gives you away that you don't feel up to snuff or something.

Anyway, you don't have to have hearing persons hearing to be involved with the hearing world.

Brace yourself, I'm gonna smack you with a truth that you've never experienced. As I've stated, I've experienced the whole spectrum of the audio gram. Even up to severe hearing loss, guess what, your hearing, your experience, is closer to that of a hearing person than a deaf person.

You don't know that because you are not deaf, and you've never been hearing. I do know that, because I've been all of them.

I went to college, profound loss unaided in one ear and severe loss in the other. No accommodations, fully involved in classes, asking and answering questions. I've never used FM or loops, I've never had boots for my aids. No note takers or CART, I dint even know what that is. Aced everything. Nobody would know I had hearing loss unless I told them. Being HoH isn't as bad as you make it out to be.

Parents come here with kids with MILD loss and you're all OMG send them to deaf school. Waste of freaking resources omg you're dense
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Seriously. That article is about deaf people who grew up with a CI, mainstreamed, fully involved in the hearing world. You have no idea what their experience is like. I don't even know what their experience is like, but if they're that involved and that capable of being that they feel more hearing than deaf.......who are you to argue that can't shouldn't feel that way?
The superior technology for us DEAF is sign.
No wires
No batteries
No muti national companies pushing implants
No audiologist who's purpose to make you hear

In no way shape or form does sign limit us.
As does these so called messiah technologies the hearie world is so obsessed with pushing and coercing us deaf to get.

As a technology sign is superior.
Having said that. I understand And know full well what's at stake in this. I was born hearie. deaf at 9' Deaf residential school educated thereafter. Onto gally....What I'm trying to say is I can still babble like a hearie but have went much of my adult life voice off.
Anyway. Lebels are some thing best left to the last century. No need to get caught up in labels or strict, definitions of them. that old chestnut who's really Deaf only serves the heRie worlds agenda as it sows confusion and obscures the real issues, if pressed to define. Person as something I think the best way to do it is to leV it up to the persons own feelings and wish
I've refused being implanted. For various reasons, But I have felt the pressure, but I'm a radical lover of liberty so to each there own and to own there each,
But make no mistKe. The heRie world wants a world with no DEAF.
And up till very recently I thought that was a hearie pipe dream. Alas now given the advance of technology I must admit I was mistaken and for us.
Our future and the future of our culture is looking grim
Anyway. My opinion.
But I'm just a greenish star so........
For what it's worth
Good to see you ambrosia
I am one of those functionally deaf & culturally hearing individuals.

Exactly... you're late deafened.....Your issues would be the SAME if say you were late blinded or late wheelchair user.....You are culturely hearing b/c you grew up hearing. You don't have the experiances/frames of reference that we who were born/early dhh do. Even someone who was born HOH isn't nessarily cultureally hearing....they have never heard normally....

The person does not need to have perfect hearing to be culturally hearing. I myself was born with a permanent case of profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Put in other words, I have been totally deaf my entire life. No cochlear implants, no hearing aids (except for a very brief time in my childhood, but that did not work), nothing. Just speech therapy, extensive lip-reading and blips here and there with signs. That was it. I took ASL 1 for the first time at the age of 16. I didn't immerse myself into the Deaf culture until my first year of college, when I was 18. And that was only six years ago.

I have never heard one single sound. Not one. I am functionally deaf, but I identify myself as culturally hearing. As much as I do love the Deaf culture and spend time around various D/deaf and hard of hearing individuals, I still think and act like a hearing person. It is thoroughly ingrained in my core personality, something that you just can't erase, ignore or deny. I identify myself as culturally hearing based on the fact that I grew up fully immersed in an-all hearing environment in all aspects of my life. School, extracurricular activity, sports, you name it--the environment was all-hearing (hearing teammates, hearing coaches, hearing classmates, hearing teachers, the list goes on). And those very experiences growing up had a permanent mark in the composition of who I am today.

It is not realistic to just label all individuals with prelingual deafness as functionally and culturally Deaf. Individuals with prelingual deafness who identify as culturally hearing, even those who never heard anything, can and do exist.