Phonak Naida S vs. Oticon Safari


New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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My daughter is four years old with bilateral sensorineural moderate to severe hearing loss. She is currently wearing an outdated pair of Phonak Milo's. We recently met with her audiologist about purchasing her a new pair but we can't decide between the Safari 900's with the great bandwidth or the Phonak Nio S that uses SoundRecover. Please help!!
My daughter is four years old with bilateral sensorineural moderate to severe hearing loss. She is currently wearing an outdated pair of Phonak Milo's. We recently met with her audiologist about purchasing her a new pair but we can't decide between the Safari 900's with the great bandwidth or the Phonak Naida's that use SoundRecover. Please help!!

Safari is much smaller in size and would probably be more comfortable for a small child.

Also the flashing light battery indicator on Safari would be helpful for you.
I meant the Nio S :) Just changed it on the post!! Thanks for your response. It's the SoundRecover technology that I am unsure of.
My daughter is four years old with bilateral sensorineural moderate to severe hearing loss. She is currently wearing an outdated pair of Phonak Milo's. We recently met with her audiologist about purchasing her a new pair but we can't decide between the Safari 900's with the great bandwidth or the Phonak Nio S that uses SoundRecover. Please help!!

My audi mentioned that the Safari are created for children in mind, so perhaps that would be a better fit?

I've been told but I'm no expert that the extra bandwidth is for certain audiograms and the sound recovery is good for audiograms where the extra bandwidth won't help but I wouldn't be able to tell you what they are.

I like the fact the oticon HAs have the flashing light for the battery, that's a good feature.
The Phonak are good coz they have a bigger battery for more profound losses but that won't matter for you.
I have an Oticon Safari, it works great and I have the same loss as your daughter though :)
yeah, the LED will let you know if the hearing aid is working the way it should be *It's pretty good for those that needs visual cues that it's working* LOL
some take up 312s and like mine, it takes up a size 13 :)

yeah they have a great bandwidth for me :3
iam 20 and i have the safari 900s that take size 312 and i love them i would go with those expecially since she is four and im sure has little ears!