Phoenix woman: I was fired over a Facebook post


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Apr 5, 2004
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Phoenix woman: I was fired over a Facebook post
Phoenix woman: I was fired over a Facebook post | Phoenix

PHOENIX -- Some of us have thought about doing what Facebook user Jessica Bibbs recently did.

Bibbs fired off a post after not getting a promotion.

It said, "This place is a joke!!! I wonder if I passed up a good opportunity by being at this place. I absolutely hate fake and lazy ppl!!! Ugh, the ones who actually work are the ones to blame??? WTF? #TwistedMinds.”

Then she was fired.

"I was crying," she said. "I was very upset."

Even though she didn't name her job in the post, the boss knew who and what she was talking about.

"For them to tell me that they're firing me over expressing my feelings on my Facebook, which is private, I don't find that fair at all," Bibbs said. "I was very upset."

While her page is private, her co-workers are her Facebook friends. They can see her posts.

Marcus Cadell is in charge of hiring and firing at Bibbs' old office at Ideal Physical Therapy.

When asked if it was true that Bibbs was fired over a Facebook post, Cadell answered, "False."

Management wouldn't go into detail about Bibbs' termination. Instead, Cadell said, "We don't terminate people on one particular thing."

Cadell would say she was let go for several reasons, one of them being unprofessional behavior with co-workers.

But just last month Cadell confirmed her co-workers voted her "Employee of the Month."

"I don't see how they [her employer] can say I had issues with my co-workers," Bibbs said.

Stephanie Fierro, with The Frutkin Law Firm, PLC, is an expert in social media, the law and the workplace.

Fierro said you could be fired over a Facebook post.

"If it's personal griping, complaints, if it would otherwise be illegal, harassment, disclosure of trade secrets, anything like that then they [your employer] may have the right to fire you for it," Fierro said.

Bibbs also thought her post was safe because she didn't name her workplace.

“If they [your employer] can trace it can back to you and they know you are their employee, it's less about their reputation and more about the conduct," Fierro said.

As for regret, Bibbs is on the fence.

"I do and I don't," she said. "I do because it got me fired. I don't because I feel like those were my feelings. I didn't mention a company’s name or any employees' names."

Experts say if a conversation would not be allowed offline, like at your workplace, that same conversation probably won't be allowed online, and could get your fired.
Don't add co-workers, supervisors and/or boss as friends on Facebook. That is real simple. That is why I got none of them as friends on Facebook.

Also, don't ever rant about the job and what is happening at work.
lol... nothing news. And that woman should know better that lot of people were fired over facebook or twitter comment on their work.
It is interesting to me that an employer would be wasting their time nosing around on private Facebook pages.
The thing about this instance is that she has Facebook friends who are not really her friends. That is a shame. Some "friend" of hers was the one who got her fired.
Kind of reminds me of when I was a boy learning about life in the Soviet Union. Over there were people who were always eager to "inform" on their neighbors, friends, enemies, whomever. Then the KGB would come and off to Siberia and bad times maybe even early death.
Here in America we are making two entities our totalitarian government- employers and the government. We will be free just as long as we do not say what we think to our friends.
This is one of the big reasons federal employees don't do Facebook...or at least have the common sense to keep it private. Never post anything online that you wouldn't want said at your place of work. Good rule of thumb.....

I keep my FB clean too. I have one co-worker on my FB -- I would actually prefer not to have her on my FB at all, but I couldn't figure out how to turn down her Friends request without her getting upset. Seemed like it would rock the boat with her office being right across from mine. I have been very hopeful that no one else from work would want to add me, and so far none have.
I keep my FB clean too. I have one co-worker on my FB -- I would actually prefer not to have her on my FB at all, but I couldn't figure out how to turn down her Friends request without her getting upset. Seemed like it would rock the boat with her office being right across from mine. I have been very hopeful that no one else from work would want to add me, and so far none have.

Just ignore it, don't accept. If she asks just say "I'm never on Facebook much...."
Don't add co-workers, supervisors and/or boss as friends on Facebook. That is real simple. That is why I got none of them as friends on Facebook.

Also, don't ever rant about the job and what is happening at work.

Me too... i dont add any of my coworkers. i saw the problems in the past with old coworkers argued after they posted the comments in FB at work. RMCE. they (hearings) are all quitted from my work. thanks god they are gone!
while it sucks she got fired, it's her own dumb fault for adding co-workers on her friends list. better yet, why the hell was she on facebook? I bet she posted that message while she was on the clock, which is probably the real reason why she got fired.

I don't have a facebook because I got over the whole myspace/networking phase half decade ago and didn't join facebook because it's exactly like myspace. I am surprised people give out their real info on facebook because sooner or later they will be a victim of online identity theft or something worse.

Sure it may be useful for some things but I remembered when facebook was used strictly for college schools/networking and now it's turned into another myspace website. Some people spend more time talking to their "friends" or families or relatives on facebook instead of in person. I either write a letter, see them in person or send them an email, not post something on facebook lol
When I first signed up for FB, I didnt understand the consequences and added several of my co-workers. Became a problem with them gossiping about my activities and making assumptions. I deleted several of them and kept those whom I trust.

Also, I say positive stuff on FB about my son, the weather, my pets, and just fun activities on the weekends. Nothing about work or my personal life.
Just ignore it, don't accept. If she asks just say "I'm never on Facebook much...."

Good suggestion. Unfortunately that was like a year ago. At least she's the only one who's ever asked (from work.)
Good suggestion. Unfortunately that was like a year ago. At least she's the only one who's ever asked (from work.)

You could get gmail and create another account and abandon the one you started. If any coworkers ask you to friend them, say you make a policy never to friend coworkers.
What is Facebook? [sarc]

Never been on it and never will be :D
I'll never understand people who are surprised by things like this. Actions/words can have consequences.
Wirelessly posted

I have a couple of co workers on my facebook. I do not post personal problems on facebook. Even if I did not have them as friends. Facebook and internet is not as private as everyone has been fooled to think. So becareful what you post.