Philadephia, PA area: CEPIN Seeks Participants for Emergency Preparedness Course


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Nov 24, 2004
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Silver Spring, Md. - The Community Emergency Preparedness Information Network (CEPIN) will host the "Emergency Responders and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community: Taking the First Steps to Disaster Preparedness" course from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23 at the Bucks County Public Safety Training Center in Doylestown, Pa. near Philadelphia. This course is an awareness-level course on emergency response that also fosters continued interaction between the two communities. Emergency responders, managers and planners as well as deaf and hard of hearing consumer leaders are encouraged to register.

The CEPIN project is also actively seeking emergency responders and deaf and hard of hearing community leaders to participate in the Train-The-Trainer course on Wednesday, May 24. The Train-The-Trainer course is for anyone who wishes to teach the "Emergency Responders and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community: Taking the First Steps to Disaster Preparedness" course to emergency responders and deaf and hard of hearing people in their local area. Registration is also required for the Train-The-Trainer course.

In 2004, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) awarded Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc. (TDI) $1.5 million to implement the CEPIN project. Since then, CEPIN has created pilot training sessions and certified qualified instructors. The aim for the course is to raise awareness about the challenges emergency responders and deaf and hard of hearing consumers encounter during emergencies, such as hurricanes and terrorist attacks, and to create local, state-wide and national networks of communication between the two groups in order to achieve the best possible outcome in the event of an emergency situation.

Registration forms and more information can be found on the CEPIN Web site at If you have questions concerning the training, contact Stephanie Clark, the regional specialist for the New England and Great Lakes area, at or at 617-254-4041 (TTY/V).