Peta has gone to far....

Not sure if anyone want to read this, but me personally am well pissed that an organization would poster a fat women saying save the whales. Come on now. Take a moment to read if you get a chance...

PETA's 'whale' billboard has the InterTwitter Fraternal Council mad

I'd prefer not read the whole thing, but I honestly don't have to. PETA is a reactionary group that doesn't really deal in too much common sense. They think that by being radical they get their point across, but they just end up pissing people off.

I'm with you Gabi. PETA really doesn't have much credibility with alot of people and the reason for it is things like you posted above.
PETA went on my sh*t list when they said that cats should be fed a vegetarian diet. Cats are carnivores and they require meat. Stupid cat haters. This was before the sexist ads, I think. The sexist ads confirmed that PETA sucks. :mad:
WTF? PETA has been complaining way too much, lately. :jaw:
PETA know that they don't get pay attention enough from people. so they had to find a way for them to pay attention peta's tasteless visualize photos.
PETA went on my sh*t list when they said that cats should be fed a vegetarian diet. Cats are carnivores and they require meat. Stupid cat haters. This was before the sexist ads, I think. The sexist ads confirmed that PETA sucks. :mad:

Right, both cats and dogs are carnivores despite what some people may believe. They are not omnivores by nature, and they are definitely not herbivores. The only time a cat may eat something a herbivore would eat is grass, but it's to help ease their digestion if they are having trouble digesting.

Dogs, they can eat fruits and vegetables. But keep in mind that their teeth are not designed for it like ours and bears are. We are omnivores by nature.

Although, cats love to eat popcorn.
Good luck when you have my Mosey.

He has to have the expensive Kernels popcorn.

None of those cheap microwave popcorn.

He'll play with it first, slowly attack it, nibble at it and finally devour it.

Just like a mouse.
Not surprised, PETA has been gone crazy.
As a carnivore, I am not condoning going vegetarian. Besides, doesn't PETA stand for People Eating Tasty Animals?

You cannot be a carnivore, but an omnivore unless your meals are exclusively meat.

I've seen a lot of people referring to themselves as carnivore which is grossly inaccurate. Human beings are not carnivores by nature, never was and never will be. Take a good look at your teeth, they are definitely not designed for carnivores. There are molars in the back which is found in pretty much all of the herbivores. But we have incisors which is found in carnivores, only they are nowhere as sharp or narrow.

It shows that we are meant to eat both, but we are meant to eat mostly vegetables, plants and grains. Meat/poultry/fish play an important role in our diets, however they are only to take up around 10% of our meals. I'm not telling people how to eat, I'm just saying that we cannot call ourselves carnivores because we aren't.

It's just the facts of life.
I have never liked PETA or the tree hugging organizations. They are very deceptive and if you stop to really think, dogs and cats are carnivores so are human beings too !!!

People who go vegan usually end up having to take protein supplements even the PETA discourages protein supplements.

You can't live on peanuts and protein supplements. Even the doctor will tell you to take protein supplements.

As for the fat lady ad, That is a very dumb ad and it is no wonder these PETA folks thrive on anexoric & bulimic binges. I have seen people who believe in that PETA crap, they are thin to the bone, no muscle. :roll:

It is absoutely hilarious to watch those PETA types head to the gym and try to lift weights thinking they will pack on muscles. :laugh2:

I'll take steak and broccoli with a banana for dessert and some water after a workout. :cool2:
Dogs and cats are carnivores, but human beings aren't. We are omnivores.

Banjo, For a dog and a cat to be a true carnivore, they would have to not eat plant and grass is a plant matter. I have seen dogs eat salad off the bowl and cats laying down nibbling on carrot sticks. You can eat grass, just the kind that does not cut your tongue. One day there will be a market for grass from the ground. I think in Japan they do eat some type of grass grown locally and are eaten by human consumption.

A true example of an animal that eats plants exclusively would be I think, the whale shark or one of the shark species that are a ocean bottom plant eater. I am sure there are more animals on dry land that eat plants exclusively.

Most of the animals and human beings are somewhere in a mixture of eating meat and plants but Scientifically speaking, yes sciene needs to seperate and differ between what animal's eating habits are like.