Persona 3


New Member
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
While this is a videogame and it should be in the entertainment section -- it's actually a moral debate about a certian engine of the game so I believe it belongs here.

I love the game myself, demented and odd. Great music if you can hear. One thing about this game though is to summon your 'persona' or use a skill/spell you basically have this gun called an evoker -- of course it's not a real gun, it just triggers a reaction out of the character to bring out their personas... but the way they go about it, well they bring the gun to their head -- BAM! then you see crystal fragments shoot out the other side and their head jerks to the side; It looks EXACTLY like they're commiting suicide. It's questionable and definately going to be a target for some big name politicans if it hasn't already.

The emulation of suicide with a fake gun in a videogame - whatcha guys think?

Me, it doesn't bother at all. I actually thought it was pretty clever and pretty screwed up but that's what made it interesting. I doubt it will encourage suicidical behavior in anyone unless they already have pre-existing mental conditions. Oh, one final thing.. please don't even mention anything that might be considered a spoiler or even talk about the games storyline, just the moralastic debate on how they summon personas with a gun in a suicidical way. Thanks.

For those of you who never seen the game, heard of it or don't own a system youtube something like "persona 3 evoker" watch a couple videos. I'd search myself but I don't want to get anything A) spoiled and B) I'm on dial up, loading shit on youtube takes too long.