Permaculture Course for the Deaf


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
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Hi, I'm Jenny Pell, and this is my first time online in the deaf community. I'm a permaculture teacher and designer and work mostly in Central America (Costa Rica and Nicaragua), and also in the Pacific NW and Hawaii.

I've been working for some time with a dear friend Anne Clark who interprets ASL, and last year we came up with the idea to offer a permaculture design course for the Deaf. We've designed the curriculum and the course will be in Costa Rica in February 2006!!

Please visit our website to find out more about what we do, and click on Design Courses for details about the course. I'm happy to send any info and the course flyer if you write me back.

We're really excited to be offering this course. The site is beautiful, and the guy who manages the center had deaf grandparents, so he is thrilled to be reintegrating into the deaf community too.

I look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions. And if you have any ideas about where we should announce this course please let me know.

Thanks so much! Jenny Pell
P.S. I will post this in announcements too.