PC games


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Mar 23, 2005
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Jut got new PC so recently with great graphic card.

I'm looking for any games that you recommended to play?

I'm currently own The Sims 2 with all expansion packs and almost all fun staff, Sim City Societies, Sim City 4 Deluxe Edition, Roller Coasters 3 and several others, I got it in long time ago before got new PC.

I have XP only, no Vista, such as Halo 2 require Vista only.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition! That's what I playing recently!
Wal-Mart may still have some in stock... I got mine as last copy on PC game shelf.
I'm not much of a PC gamer but I guess you could try some titles like Gears of War with 10 chapters not included in the Xbox360 version.

It could possibly need the vista in order to play that game. Most of PC games this generation uses vista now.
Command & Conquer 3!!!

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition! That's what I playing recently!
Wal-Mart may still have some in stock... I got mine as last copy on PC game shelf.

I had check out on C&C 3 yet but seems like impressive to me.

Deathpit, I used played Oblivion on Xbox 360 and hate it because of weird control on controller, also some of my friend told me about play Oblivion on PC is alot better.
I'm not much of a PC gamer but I guess you could try some titles like Gears of War with 10 chapters not included in the Xbox360 version.

It could possibly need the vista in order to play that game. Most of PC games this generation uses vista now.

Thankfully, GoW don't require Vista only, just checked out so recently.

I know about couple of games are require Vista only, Shadowrun and Halo 2 but found out that can be cracked to get work on XP.

There's one reason because MS never release Directx 10 on XP, it's very unfair when compare to previous OS because MS had released Directx 9 on 98, 2000 and ME. It seems like push more consumers to switch into Vista, however I wouldn't switch to Vista because SP1 don't fix on file transfer issue (except for network) and other bugs.

I hope that more newer games will continue to support XP, except for future games that's created by MS Studio and it's up to developers to add DX 9 and DX 10 in combined to support XP and Vista.

Additional about other reason, couple of games require Vista because it can be Live support, that not good one on XP and figured out if you have GeForce 7 or below or ATI X0000 or below then you will struck with DX 9.
I had check out on C&C 3 yet but seems like impressive to me.

Deathpit, I used played Oblivion on Xbox 360 and hate it because of weird control on controller, also some of my friend told me about play Oblivion on PC is alot better.
Yeah. I played it, quite good.

It follows the same concept as the others in the trilogy, but uses the same graphic/control engine as C&C: Generals. :)
Deathpit, I used played Oblivion on Xbox 360 and hate it because of weird control on controller, also some of my friend told me about play Oblivion on PC is alot better.

True, PC version only have 27 command keys, on left side of keyboard and three on mouse. That make playing the game easier, rather than have all commands squeezed into gamepad.
Game of the Year Edition have full game AND two expansions included. PS3 and Xbox 360 version have full game only, no expansions included.
True, PC version only have 27 command keys, on left side of keyboard and three on mouse. That make playing the game easier, rather than have all commands squeezed into gamepad.
Game of the Year Edition have full game AND two expansions included. PS3 and Xbox 360 version have full game only, no expansions included.
Yeah... especially FPS and RTS games.

FPS games have multiple keys for weapons and certain actions. Some games are designed specifically for video game consoles that a keyboard is not entirely necessary. One such game would be Halo: Combat Evolved. You can only carry 2 weapons and the actions are quite simple. There's no need for a complex keyboard. :)

RTS games are definitely best for PCs. There are multiple commands used by multiple keys. There are also teams and map locations that can be assigned. That's definitely where the keyboard comes in as well as a mouse. :)
COD4, Assassin's Creed, UT3,The Experiment, and Bioshock.

Whoa! Bioshock run on DirectX 10 only. Check the website for DirectX 10 games: DirectX® 10

Yeah... especially FPS and RTS games.

FPS games have multiple keys for weapons and certain actions. Some games are designed specifically for video game consoles that a keyboard is not entirely necessary. One such game would be Halo: Combat Evolved. You can only carry 2 weapons and the actions are quite simple. There's no need for a complex keyboard. :)

RTS games are definitely best for PCs. There are multiple commands used by multiple keys. There are also teams and map locations that can be assigned. That's definitely where the keyboard comes in as well as a mouse. :)

MMORPGs are also best to play on PC.

True... However, there's some special gaming devices you can program the keys with commands and three modes. I use Belkin n52 Speedpad to playing FPS games. I planning to buy new Saitek Cyborg Command Unit or Speedpad n52te to replace old n52. I have a program let me programming the keys on Xbox 360 controller to piloting the planes in GTA San Andreas.

I perfer PC games best since there's bunch of expansions, mods and add-ons I can download and playing for more fun.

Sometimes I pick console games over PC versions depends on features or being exclusive only.
World of Warcraft :3

its fun, if you dont mind the 15$/month -_-
it also tends to be a little addicting >.<

but fun, and great with a good graphics card :)
Whoa! Bioshock run on DirectX 10 only. Check the website for DirectX 10 games: DirectX® 10

MMORPGs are also best to play on PC.

True... However, there's some special gaming devices you can program the keys with commands and three modes. I use Belkin n52 Speedpad to playing FPS games. I planning to buy new Saitek Cyborg Command Unit or Speedpad n52te to replace old n52. I have a program let me programming the keys on Xbox 360 controller to piloting the planes in GTA San Andreas.

I perfer PC games best since there's bunch of expansions, mods and add-ons I can download and playing for more fun.

Sometimes I pick console games over PC versions depends on features or being exclusive only.

Bioshock support XP SP2
BioShock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you use XP then you will automatically use under Directx 9.
I bought RS Vegas 2, Counter strike source (bundled with Half-Life 2), Crysis and new stuff pack for The Sims 2.

I had played Vegas 2 about hour and it's awesome, more easier to control the aim with mouse than controller, just got used after played for several minutes, also had played counter strike and Half Life 2 too, it's good game and will play Crysis in later.

I got Gold Coast for free from Stream, it's expansion pack for Half-Time 2.

FPS is easier for me to control on PC, thanks to mouse and keyboard.
World of Warcraft :3

its fun, if you dont mind the 15$/month -_-
it also tends to be a little addicting >.<

but fun, and great with a good graphics card :)
If I was a millionaire, with all the free time in the world... without the need to work, then I would play WoW. :)
Ahh MAN..what happen to your MAC? oh you bought new PC system as collect junk stuffs? whats junk..? you just grab our attentions.. If You deny it, then what's important PC in your life? but I respect that whatever you wanted to get and its your M-O-N-E-Y. I hope you have enjoy with new PC toy and stuffs.. :D
If I was a millionaire, with all the free time in the world... without the need to work, then I would play WoW. :)

Same here, I don't have much time to play WoW, oh well.

I will do it when start college in next spring 2009.
Hellgate Lodnon ?

try this it hook me up right way it best and fun it RGP and YOU YA HAVE BEST TOP VIDEO AND SOUND CARD YOU GOOT O GO