Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

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8th row the scroll up.....person is getting crazy and obession 'bout me all the time, he thinks am I cuckoo.... He is 100% cuckoo too.. SAD!
^ (Butterfly) above me is correct...I am on VACATION!!!!! And I am checking in what's up with AD! :thumb: (computer is easier and quicker than my SK2! :giggle: )

ButterflyGirl said:
:bump: bringing this thread back to alive.....

Person above me is now on a vacation.
^2nd person above me, is so funny and sweet lady (GA)! I miss chatting with ya on VP! We should do more when I am HOOOOOOOME! :giggle:
the person above me have been with me since i was little and being my friend all since
^the person above me isn't telling a lie about having no avatar!!!! shame on you, Lakie!!!
^person above likes to flutter around...smelling roses and looking like a queen.
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