Oticon Epoq


New Member
Apr 23, 2008
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Hello ~ I am new here. I've been HI since early childhood & have worn hearing aids since 4th grade. Right now I wear one aid in my good ear, an Oticon Gaia. The loss in the other ear is so profound an aid won't help much. Today I was at my audiologist's office for routine maintenance & we got to talking about getting a new aid. He recommended an Oticon Epoq. From all I've read about it so far it sounds pretty amazing! The wireless technology really appeals to me. One quick question ~ does anyone know the difference (besides $$) between the Epoq XW, W & V?
I have never heard of Oticon Epoq. That is new to me. Is that the latest one out? I have been wearing Oticon Suma DM for 2 years and am very happy with it. Suma DM is suitable for people with severe to profound deaf. I hope someone here who have that aid you have mention can help you soon so you can decide which one that could be suitable for you. :)
There was someone (Etiole I believe?) who posted recently about the Oticon Epoq -- although I can't remember whether they were the XW, W or V and I don't know if this person had the chance to compare models. Hopefully Etiole will see this thread and respond to your inquiry -- especially if he/she had the opportunity to compare models.
Think of the Epoq's as the first attempt to bring broadband and high definition to hearing aids. The XW's communicate with one another to improve localization, spatial sound awareness, binaural dynamic feedback cancellation (alleviates the annoying false negative today's hearing aids encounter from pure tones like timers or tunes on the radio). The XW's also have the ability to distinguish when you speak, in other hearing aids it can become a common problem for the directional microphones to deactivate when a person speaks.

The W is a step down in that you loose the spatial sound awareness, binaural DFC, and the my voice feature (capability of detecting when you speak).

The V is the economy version, the two hearing aids only communicate with each other in terms of volume control and program changes (much like the siemens with e2e wireless).

All three are capable of using the streamer. They are all very clear, clean sounding hearing aids. If you need any more info please feel free to ask.
SteveAUD ~ thanks so much, this is the info I was looking for. Since I wear just one aid the epoq v sounds like it was the one my audiologist is thinking would work for me. I am really looking forward to trying it out.

Are you hard of hearing? :)

SteveAUD ~ thanks so much, this is the info I was looking for. Since I wear just one aid the epoq v sounds like it was the one my audiologist is thinking would work for me. I am really looking forward to trying it out.

Pinky678 ~ I am hard of hearing in one ear and deaf in the other. Not sure what that makes me :)

SteveAUD ~ thanks so much, this is the info I was looking for. Since I wear just one aid the epoq v sounds like it was the one my audiologist is thinking would work for me. I am really looking forward to trying it out.


The V would work well in terms of your needs and cost. Your only aiding one ear, so the benefits of the binaural processing and such go right out the window with the XW for you.
Sorry I did not see this earlier! I have XW's myself. If you are only getting one, do NOT get the XW's...like SteveAUD said, the point of XW's is that they work together, so if you only have one...no need to get XW's!

I would be happy to answer any Epoq questions you have...I absolutely love mine. Everything sounds so natural. I don't use the Streamer as much as I expected, because I have to charge it so often. If I had been given a wall charger that would be okay, but my audie only gave me a USB charger which is kind of irritating. I haven't bothered asking for the wall version.

The Epoq's are really wonderful, I have used them for 3 months now, they are my first HA's. Let me know what questions you have!
Sorry I did not see this earlier! I have XW's myself. If you are only getting one, do NOT get the XW's...like SteveAUD said, the point of XW's is that they work together, so if you only have one...no need to get XW's!

I would be happy to answer any Epoq questions you have...I absolutely love mine. Everything sounds so natural. I don't use the Streamer as much as I expected, because I have to charge it so often. If I had been given a wall charger that would be okay, but my audie only gave me a USB charger which is kind of irritating. I haven't bothered asking for the wall version.

The Epoq's are really wonderful, I have used them for 3 months now, they are my first HA's. Let me know what questions you have!

Etoile ~ thanks so much for your note. My audi was thinking of the Epoq V, the new power version that was supposed to be out in June, then July, now August :( Since it's not out yet, I am getting a Phonak Naida, my fitting app't is tomorrow. I am hoping that the Epoq power is out before my 30 day trial is up on the Naida. From all I've read, it sounds like people with Epoqs are a lot happier than those with Naidas, so I'm not very happy. But will try the Naida & see what happens. I am not going to stick with the Naida without trying the Epoq too.

Is there anyone out there who has tried both?
Hallo!It is my the first post.I'm Epoq's user for 6 months.I have XW model with streamer.I must say that now I hear better than a long past time when I was using other models of apparats.It was a so long because I've lost good hearing when I was a child.Now Epoq gives me a lot of smiling moments and I'm braver in many situations with people, becase I understand them ..This is a very good product.
Serendipity42 -I think that you must hear each of XV,W and V models because diffrences of them you can notice only on you ear!I remember when I was trying W model I could not understand my audi and other people and when I got XW I felt wonderfully.It is a very subjective feeling.
Paola ~ thanks for the info. Unfortunately I won't be getting an Epoq. The V's won't be out until October now, & my audi said that my loss has gotten so much worse that the power wouldn't be as good as the Naida's. So I am on my 2nd day of the Naida now.
I'm not totally sure that I like it, I'm noticing that some sounds I could hear with my old aid (Gaia) I can't hear, like the beeps & timers of the microwave & oven. I'm sure it's just a matter of comunicating this to my audi so he can make the proper adjustments (I hope!)
Will see what he can do when I go back in two weeks.

OMG ~ I just tried my ICom with a bluetooth phone ~ it was awesome! I could hear the other person's voice perfectly! I have not been able to hear on the phone for at least 3 years now, so this is pretty amazing. Since my current cell phone doesn't have bluetooth, I just ordered a new one (was due for a free upgrade <G>) Can't wait to get it.
Sorry to go on, I'm pretty happy right now!

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