Oral cp going ASL, deaf exp story


New Member
Oct 26, 2012
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Hi I'm Cecie,
An oral HOH. I had delayed speech, LD and CP. Went to speech school and had moderately severe hl. The school founder forbid any-one to use sign language and made student use residual hearing unless their loss was greater than 70. One day I in class, the teacher called me , I not hear her , she yelled out turn up your hearing aid. I said I dont have hearing aid. I was taken immediately to the office for hearing test and wore aids for then on. I went to public school but they put me in the state deaf school, and parent chose whether a student went oral or sign. I had a body aid and really prefer that over the other types. dont like feedback. Because my hearing is wors, I am profoundly deaf now, I will probably be foced to disablity 3-9 months. I dont do sign and feel deperate. I think that i will try to do voc rehab and try to do deaf education. now I depend on lip reading, and some on my hearing aid. every-is writing about the Naida S III UP and Naida S v UP are thos good for profound loss. I enjoyed signing when I would snek and do it in school and wished I kept up it with and had gone more with asl becuae witn the combo of deaf/cp speech I unintelligiable at times and I would not be in my present predicament.
Welcome to AllDeaf!

There's a lot of people here with experiences similar to yours.

I was raised orally with no sign language. I was actually told that was not deaf when I directly asked a Hearing Impaired teacher. But I have been severe-profound since birth.

I'm slowly learning sign language and getting more involved in the Deaf community.

Again, welcome to AllDeaf.