Opinions on legalized marijuana

Oh hahahaha, your making me laughing!

Have you tried Cannabis, eh?

If that is so true, I would have been dead, why am I not?

Sure, i took a lot already and I am still alive and kicking my wife's ass still! Your claim is hogwash!

The truth is, your more likely to get overdose with water than weeds! You are much likely to die from overdose with other stuff, like vitamin A, B, C whatever, and your more likely to die from pharmactual narcotic overdose, even well known alcohol which your more likely to get killed than smoking weeds.

You haven't consume enough to overdose. And I've seen the effects firsthand.

I also edited my post so feel free to reply to that.
Oh hahahaha, your making me laughing!

Have you tried Cannabis, eh?
Oh hahahaha, your making me laughing!

Have you tried Cannabis, eh?

If that is so true, I would have been dead, why am I not?

Sure, i took a lot already and I am still alive and kicking my wife's ass still! Your claim is hogwash!
Oh hahahaha, your making me laughing!

Have you tried Cannabis, eh?

If that is so true, I would have been dead, why am I not?

Sure, i took a lot already and I am still alive and kicking my wife's ass still! Your claim is hogwash!

The truth is, your more likely to get overdose with water than weeds! You are much likely to die from overdose with other stuff, like vitamin A, B, C whatever, and your more likely to die from pharmactual narcotic overdose, even well known alcohol which your more likely to get killed than smoking weeds.
I'm watching you edit-edit-edit-edit. Waiting until you're done.
To make you feel better, I smoke weeds when President Nixon was in office at white house, and his announcement on his reassignment, how long ago was that? Grab calculator if your not good on math.
Really? I asked you to bring a evidence of single death from cannabis overdose, don't forget the fact is that Cannabis is one of most widely used drug in the world! Since it is one of most widely used drugs, you should be able to produce a evidence, but you seems to fail to do so.

The problem with "proving you" is that you will not even read any claims.
Alive, do you like tomatoes?

Just say yes or no even though it is not related to this topic, soon it will be.
Really? I asked you to bring a evidence of single death from cannabis overdose, don't forget the fact is that Cannabis is one of most widely used drug in the world! Since it is one of most widely used drugs, you should be able to produce a evidence, but you seems to fail to do so.

The fact you didn't even perform a simple Google search to see what I had for my debate is telling.
Alive, do you like tomatoes?

Just say yes or no even though it is not related to this topic, soon it will be.

I don't like tomatoes, and I know they've been producing hybrid tomatoes that is laced with THC. They've been doing it for decades.

Trust me, I am pretty well informed on this topic. You need to calm down a little. Maybe you need some "medicating".
Not that my opinion counts for much but:

I would like to see penalties for casual users reduced but maintained for dealers.

I would like to maintain laws against providing non-medicinal pot to minors.

I wouldn't mind legalizing marijuana for medical use as long as it was regulated the same as other prescription drugs.

I want to see any driving offenses while under the influence of any chemical strictly enforced.

I don't want pot use allowed for our military, police, teachers, bus drivers, train engineers, pilots or medical personnel.

I have one question. How would you prevent the use of marijuana as a gateway drug to harder stuff?
Wow, your assuming what I am thinking. LOL No,

here is story behind this, for 200 years European believe that tomatoes are very poisonous and should never be consumed. Mind you, that is same period when they believe Cannabis is poisonous too!

Why now plenty of people are eating tomatoes nowadays, why European once believed it is poisonous? What European didn't know that the dish that tomatoes were used for wealthy people were heavily laced with lethal level of lead. They had no idea that it is the dish itself that killed the tomato eater.

Since Marijuana was banned on the book, there is language that prohibit any further studies or test to rule out whether cannabis is still poisonous or not, that shows government were afraid that somebody may find out the truth and proved it was not Cannabis, it may be something else that were included test back then by Europeans.

There have been too many lies going on in government, now that they finally got break from that language which bars anyone from test on cannabis, and evidence started to surface already, now that DEA were unable to produce evidence that Cannabis is dangerous and useless drug.

I am not firsthand, I am the actual user! Thats whole different perspective on both sides. Now you know, my experience isn't based on the book, it is based on my actual experience and what I have seen and done. About history of tomatoes, feel free research and see for yourself. Europeans? Hmmm

I don't like tomatoes, and I know they've been producing hybrid tomatoes that is laced with THC. They've been doing it for decades.

Trust me, I am pretty well informed on this topic. You need to calm down a little. Maybe you need some "medicating".
Is there really evidence that showing Marijuana is a gateway drug?

What is a gateway to drug problem? Simple answer is, the drug law itself is a gateway to drug problems, not drug, nor user themselves.

While I do agree with you about these ranks, and minors, that is why I am in for legalize, to make sure minors stay out of it.

Not that my opinion counts for much but:

I would like to see penalties for casual users reduced but maintained for dealers.

I would like to maintain laws against providing non-medicinal pot to minors.

I wouldn't mind legalizing marijuana for medical use as long as it was regulated the same as other prescription drugs.

I want to see any driving offenses while under the influence of any chemical strictly enforced.

I don't want pot use allowed for our military, police, teachers, bus drivers, train engineers, pilots or medical personnel.

I have one question. How would you prevent the use of marijuana as a gateway drug to harder stuff?
Not that my opinion counts for much but:

I would like to see penalties for casual users reduced but maintained for dealers.

I would like to maintain laws against providing non-medicinal pot to minors.

I wouldn't mind legalizing marijuana for medical use as long as it was regulated the same as other prescription drugs.

I want to see any driving offenses while under the influence of any chemical strictly enforced.

I don't want pot use allowed for our military, police, teachers, bus drivers, train engineers, pilots or medical personnel.

I have one question. How would you prevent the use of marijuana as a gateway drug to harder stuff?

Why doesn't your opinion count for much? Everyone's entitled to their opinions and should be given equal weight.

I am actually for allowing recreational use of marijuana. The biggest reason for me voting for it is that I don't like to deny anyone anything. If they want to do whatever, be my guest. When I am in the booth I vote for less restrictions on guns, allowing this, abortion yes, etc.

Just like the above, I'd like to see it regulated. Which is why I am happy Colorado established regulations for "dosage". Not many people who drink beer for the first time would be happy to find that their beer is actually pure alcohol masked with beer. Same with edibles. No need for a 300 mg "Space Cookie" and passing it onto unwitting users.
Is there really evidence that showing Marijuana is a gateway drug?

What is a gateway to drug problem? Simple answer is, the drug law itself is a gateway to drug problems, not drug, nor user themselves....
Meaning, what about pot users who find that after a while pot doesn't satisfy them, so it is easy to move on to stronger drugs. Pot opens the gates to accepting harder drug use.

That doesn't mean every pot user will move up to harder drugs but most hard drug users do start out with pot rather than plunging in directly to the hard stuff.
Meaning, what about pot users who find that after a while pot doesn't satisfy them, so it is easy to move on to stronger drugs. Pot opens the gates to accepting harder drug use.

That doesn't mean every pot user will move up to harder drugs but most hard drug users do start out with pot rather than plunging in directly to the hard stuff.

Wow, your assuming what I am thinking. LOL No,

here is story behind this, for 200 years European believe that tomatoes are very poisonous and should never be consumed. Mind you, that is same period when they believe Cannabis is poisonous too!

Why now plenty of people are eating tomatoes nowadays, why European once believed it is poisonous? What European didn't know that the dish that tomatoes were used for wealthy people were heavily laced with lethal level of lead. They had no idea that it is the dish itself that killed the tomato eater.

Since Marijuana was banned on the book, there is language that prohibit any further studies or test to rule out whether cannabis is still poisonous or not, that shows government were afraid that somebody may find out the truth and proved it was not Cannabis, it may be something else that were included test back then by Europeans.

There have been too many lies going on in government, now that they finally got break from that language which bars anyone from test on cannabis, and evidence started to surface already, now that DEA were unable to produce evidence that Cannabis is dangerous and useless drug.

I am not firsthand, I am the actual user! Thats whole different perspective on both sides. Now you know, my experience isn't based on the book, it is based on my actual experience and what I have seen and done. About history of tomatoes, feel free research and see for yourself. Europeans? Hmmm

See bold? That's exactly what I said. I'll hold your hand through what I just said.

Just a heads up, people are being rushed to the ER for heart issues related to overdosing on marijuana in Colorado. They're debating if it has been an ongoing issue that we didn't know about because patients didn't want to share that they were partaking in illegal activity and now it's legal they're more readily to share or if it is due to legalization and increased amounts.

The problem seems to focus on edibles though because your body digests the THC in a different way than when you inhale it.

Please observe. I said "Just a heads up." I was merely informing you of the following:
They're debating if it has been an ongoing issue that we didn't know about because patients didn't want to share that they were partaking in illegal activity and now it's legal they're more readily to share or if it is due to legalization and increased amounts.
You see. You said the exact same thing. Studies weren't sufficient until now. And it still is not sufficient but the data that is coming in now is telling. Hospitals are reporting visits that are related to marijuana use. I went further to specify edibles.

I never said no to marijuana. I was merely giving you some information.

Then you went off acting like an ostrich with his head buried in the sand wailing blindly in the air.

Colorado established laws regulating how much THC a piece of edible can contain which is a direct result of the reported ER visits.

Now hospital visits where users claim to be anxious, hyperventilating, extreme paranoia, anxiety attacks that lead to psychotic state, etc are on the rise to the point users feel like they're dying.

Note: I haven't said marijuana has killed anyone yet. There has been a few deaths associated with marijuana, but no definitive claim that it directly has killed anyone yet.

But back to my original point. Consuming anything in excessive amounts isn't the brightest idea. It can lead to harmful effects.
Hence on why I support em, You see, no need to throw in 300mg "space cookies" is true and only way to ensure that it won't happen is legalize and regulation.

Why doesn't your opinion count for much? Everyone's entitled to their opinions and should be given equal weight.

I am actually for allowing recreational use of marijuana. The biggest reason for me voting for it is that I don't like to deny anyone anything. If they want to do whatever, be my guest. When I am in the booth I vote for less restrictions on guns, allowing this, abortion yes, etc.

Just like the above, I'd like to see it regulated. Which is why I am happy Colorado established regulations for "dosage". Not many people who drink beer for the first time would be happy to find that their beer is actually pure alcohol masked with beer. Same with edibles. No need for a 300 mg "Space Cookie" and passing it onto unwitting users.
*Somehow posted in wrong thread. Weird.*