Opinions about moving abroad


New Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Hello..As some of you know , I got my L CI here in Greece a few months ago ..

Since living with a CI , even with all the problems , I wouldnt exchange it for anything! :lol:

But..I always wanted to go abroad , for work , and living..here in Greece things are pretty expensive and insurances are measly! they don't cover even a second implant , let alone the batteries for the first :shock: or anything for servicing it..

So with the thought that I WANT to go bilateral in the next few years,and wanting to pursuit a better life quality as an deaf CI implantee I have been wondering whether is that possible..I'd like to work probably to UK ..

So I'm doing some research to see if that is possible..I don't expect anything to be rosy , but it sure will be better than Greece at all!

So , any UK citizen knows if there is any possibility for me ? I'd wait for my implant and I'd work as best as I could as long as I knew that I could get to my ultimatum..:hmm:

I'm researching a lot here..and I'd appreciate any help possible so I can decide the best course for me possible!