ophthalmology check today


Feb 1, 2010
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Ophthalmology check today. One step closer. :)
Isn't the opthamologist for your eyes?....is anyone else thinking this?
Isn't the opthamologist for your eyes?....is anyone else thinking this?

I was. But I was thinking it would be rude to ask in case they are trying to find out if the baby is blind also. :dunno:
i thought the exact same thing..but thought it best to just go with the flow and see where this was headed lol
Seems odd, but we had to visit a whole range of specialists in the months prior to getting approval for the CI, including an opthalmologist (and a geneticist who ran a whole barrage of tests to try to identify cause of deafness). I thought, at the time, that the tests (eyes, kidney, heart workups, etc.) were being done to identify any associated disorders or issues that might need to be factored in.
My guess is that it's for a CI, or to just try to identify what caused deafness in a child (i.e. Usher's, hence the opthamologist). Maybe?
For a person who hasn't been following the posts of the OP I had no idea a CI was in question LOL.
More interesting variations re: Cochlear Implants discussions. I didn't have a
genetic test/nor examined by ophthalmologist/ nor give another audiogram to prove I was deaf. This happened at Sunnybrook Hospital here in Toronto-Cochlear Implant section. At this point- only yearly review.
I think a genetic test is of no value in discussion on whether an implant is worth while. I know where the "defective genes" come from: my father. I have already passed this "gene" to my oldest son. I have 2 sons.
I do have yearly examination of my eyes at my family doctor's request. Cheers

Advanced Bionics-Harmony Atria activated Aug/07