Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

Deaf Smith

New Member
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
I was hesistant to buy this game because of acessiblity for a deaf gamer. I was pleasantly surprised to find that EVERYTHING is subtitled, even the little communications between teammates, call-outs, and commanders.

While I recommend this game, I would like to warn that it is not arcadey in the least, like Call of Duty or Rainbow Six, or Halo.

Official OP: DR website: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Country Selector

Youtube has some videos if you're interested. This game is out now for XBOX360, PS3, and PC. I believe the PC version is the best, as it offers a custom mission mode. I am playing the XBOX360 version. If you are playing this game, hit me up with a text on XBL, Deaf Smith DGO
I have this game for PC version, you are right about PC version has mission editor and it is great to do.

I don't know why console version has no mission editor.
I have this game for PC version, you are right about PC version has mission editor and it is great to do.

I don't know why console version has no mission editor.

I would guess because it is tricky to set up good controls with a controller, and much easier to do it with a PC. For example Halo 3 has a custom map editor, but it is still very 'clunky' and requires patience to make a nice map. There will be monthly DLC for this game, but I'm afraid PC will get it free and on time, while 360 will not likely be on time and probably cost Microsoft points.

I still <3 this game, though. Hard as nails, just the way I like it, makes me feel like I'm getting my money's worth.