One Interpheter

I don't know and I don't know if there is a name for the company like that provide interpreting service for vrs. I do hope it is not a scam. For me, I have not use VRS. I still rely on my TDD to communicate with Deaf people and/or relaying the messages with hearing people better. :hmm:
The rates they offer for interpreters are very good. They seem to be one of those "national" interpreting agencies, so I wonder how easy they would be to get jobs from. They offer VRI from the interpreter's home (remember, VRI does not have rules from the FCC) which is probably attractive to many interpreters.

Just watched the video on getting paid for using it does sound like a scam though, doesn't it? At first it seems like you just refer companies to One and you get money...but then they talk about referring friends and getting a percentage of their cut too. Weird.
Just a note.. I personally know the interpreter shown signing on their main page. I know that SHE is legit. I have no experience with that particular company. Yet. I have heard that the person in charge is a reputable person from the area.
After reading Etoile's post and having posted myself... (sorry for the double post but...)

I watched that video myself. Here is the link to it:

It says that for VRI you get 5% of the bill that the 'hearing' company that you have the appointment with paid to you no strings attached. In addition to that you get a percentage of what your friends would receive.... that you refer to ONE. They make it sound like for VRI appointments and payment that there are no constraints on how many people you refer and the percentages of their appt payments you will receive.

Then for regular 'onsite' (freelance in person) appointments you get 5%. "Just" 5% without the friends being referred bonus and so on and so forth.

For VRS there is no payment being made to you of course.

That's what I got from the video.

What do you think?
Paying the Deaf person directly for the service seems unethical. Different than if they paid $xx for each company or even flat fee for a call.

I bet the company requesting the interpreter would be unhappy if they knew they were paying 5% extra.