On behalf of Kristina


New Member
Premium Member
Feb 18, 2009
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She said that she does not have internet and to let you know.


Hope she gets it back soon.
Good to know. I like your new avatar by the way!
Thanks for the heads up! Hello KristinaB!
Thanks for the head up. I will miss her but I'm glad to know she's ok.
I hope you are able to get Internet back soon Kristina! Thanks for posting to let us know here. I'm going to miss my buddy while she is away. :(
I do hope Kristina will come back soon. Did she forget to pay her bill on the phone and internet services? It can happen sometimes. Thank you for letting us know and we will all wait for her to come in. :wave:
i'll be losing mine if mommy doesn't pay the bill. its conspiracy against kristinas/christinas/and like named people everywhere. rise up my friends. rise against the conspiracy.
Oops ..It sounds strange..

Why's that?...Sounds strange to you?

Many people lose their Internet for a variety of reasons....bad weather, lines, not paying the bill, disputing the bill...list goes on and on.
Why's that?...Sounds strange to you?

Many people lose their Internet for a variety of reasons....bad weather, lines, not paying the bill, disputing the bill...list goes on and on.

I think it's a spammer. Lots of nonsensical posts.