Oldest religion in the world

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Jan 26, 2005
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Is it Hebrew/Jewish? or long lasting religion... Maybe 5000 BC?

I went to Paris and saw many old beautiful churches including Notre Dame, and it goes way way way way way back....
Hinduism is the oldest religion still being practiced. It's over 20,000 years old.
Teresh said:
Hinduism is the oldest religion still being practiced. It's over 20,000 years old.

No way to prove that humans even existed MORE than 6000 years so leave 20,000 years alone.

Heck, there is no absolute hard evidence as which religion is the oldest one so far yet.

So far as I know it's the Old Testament in the Hebrew-spoken language many years before Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible. Although there were very old pagan religions in the Babylonian period as well as Egyptian's.
Teresh said:
Hinduism is the oldest religion still being practiced. It's over 20,000 years old.

Why is it such a threat if another religion has been practiced longer than Christianity, or Judaism in the form that we recognize it from the Old Testament (but see what I have to say below about God's involvement with humans)? Or if the Earth is older than 6,000 years?

It's no threat to me. However God did His creation, I trust that He did it. I see no reason why He could not have written all of the scientific laws and processes that we see, and put them into action. Nor do I see any reason why He could not have created mankind over a slow process. There are a few things to remember here. First, I do think God was involved with mankind right from the beginning, so the time that the Bible was set in writing becomes irrelevant. Why can't stuff like the Flood have taken place in a pre-literate time (as in, well before 6,000 years)? That doesn't make it any less relevant. Second, I would think that if one believes (as I do) that there is an instinctive drive in people to want to make sense of the world, the early date for Hinduism ought not be surprising...ancient people are not stupid and would have wanted to find some way to connect with the higher power they could sense. While I don't agree with the conclusions they came to about the nature of that higher power and the purpose of life, I don't think an early date should be surprising.
Hindu, people believe in Reincarnation. Right? Rebirth or Reborn.
earth is 4.5 billion years old

human evolution is 30,000 years old
web730 said:
No way to prove that humans even existed MORE than 6000 years so leave 20,000 years alone.

Um, yes there is. There are fossils of human beings more than 6,000 years old... Some older than 20,000 years old. The fossil record is a very strong way of proving the past.

web730 said:
Heck, there is no absolute hard evidence as which religion is the oldest one so far yet.

Yes, there is. Hinduism is practiced predominantly in India, right? Hindu religious symbols and avatars have been found by archaeologists in India from as far back as 20,000 years ago. The religion could be even older than that, though we've no proof.

web730 said:
So far as I know it's the Old Testament in the Hebrew-spoken language many years before Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible. Although there were very old pagan religions in the Babylonian period as well as Egyptian's.

Moses didn't write any of the books of the Tanakh. Speak from knowledge rather than ignorance. It's usually helpful.
web730 said:
No way to prove that humans even existed MORE than 6000 years so leave 20,000 years alone.

Yes there are:

Carbon dating (Accurate to 50,000 years)
Rubidium-strontium dating
Samarium-neodymium dating
Potassium-argon dating (Used for over 100,000 years)

In fact: the light from the beginning of the universe still floats around and we can detect it with a telescope (we call it the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation). This light reaches us from several billion light years away, which means that if we were ever going to use techniques like Potassium-argon dating or Carbon dating, we'd never even remotely come close to the massive age of the universe.

For most recent events in our worldly history, Carbon dating serves us fine. As do the many other methods that, interestingly, independently agree with one another.

Back on point: it's a good thing you have bones. We find them and we apply dating techniques to find out how old ancient humans were.
The world is very old, but about how long is not my interest, yes, even scripture talking about leviathon, that's part of sea monsters and dinosaurs. Scientific try everything to outsmart God in some way and some science coverted to Christ bec more evidence. Now about oldest religion. Have to remember that thru the old testaments talked about different religion and those times when God taught the hebrews not to marry foreigners bec different beliefs which will lead many hebrews fall away from the doctrines God had taught them. Like solomon who married different foreign women and there are many what solomon has expreience like, hindus and stuff and as it is written what solomon did is very evil before Gods eyes. The reason God establish for the boundries is to protect the messiah, which is jesus christ. All thru the old testament point to christ. Important part is what God taught us, not the oldest religions. But yes, its very interesting about the history and nothing wrong with that. Yes, there is argumentive. But know the impotant part is God is our Creator.
Problem with Christianity, they believe earth is only few thousand years old not billion years old. So they do not believe in science when they tell world earth is soooo old or human being existed for 30,000 years old. They probably reject hindu as oldest religion in the world.
I did a google and found this

According to religious historians, Islam was founded by Muhammad the Prophet around 622CE (Common Era), or about 1,382 years ago in Mecca.Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ approximately 1,971 (33CE) years ago. As for Buddhism, it was founded by an Indian Prince Siddhartha Gautama in approximately 566BCE (Before Common Era), about 2500 years ago.

In fact, the oldest of the four main religions is Hinduism. Hinduism has the oldest recorded roots in Dravidianism. Dravidianism was estimated to have been practised around 6000 to 3000BCE and as such predates Sumerian, Egyptian and Babylonian cultures.

Islam is the second largest religion in the world with an estimated 1.2 billion followers (about 20 percent of the world's population). Presently Christianity is still the largest with about 33 percent of the world population its followers.

However, Islam is today's fastest growing religion. By 2025 or earlier, Islam will overtake Christianity as the world's largest religion. This is due to conversion (in mainly non-Muslim countries) and also the population growth in Muslim countries.

Therefore, Zahid should take comfort in knowing this and he perhaps may wish to change his view regarding the rights of an individual to choose his religion.

And what about Judaism, the religion of the Jews? It was founded around 1312BCE when Moses left Egypt for the promised land.

To say that Islam was founded by Adam and it was reborn with Abraham is incorrect even though it has been widely acknowledged by religious historians that Islam and Judaism both have the same roots in Abraham.

Thereafter, the same roots took different paths through the children of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael. But, don't forget - Judaism was not practised as a religion until the revelation of God to Moses at Mt Sinai and the Laws of Torah (including the 10 Commandments) came into existence.

Likewise, the same applies to Islam and the Holy Quran. It came into existence during the time of Prophet Muhammad. As for Adam, he was the first man on earth and was created by God ... and by virtue of the former, there could not have been any religion in existence then.

Question? Iisn't agnosticism the oldest spiritual structure? After all--are we born believing in a god, -or are we taught to believe in a god?
All religions from adam, yes islam established by mohommed, due many who converted to become christian been executed. Islam lineage from esau, but where strong ilamic is in iran and iraq which is old country also called babylon, babylon destroyed jerusalem and since those times as of today babylon still war against the jews and also during the crusaders, the catholics and islam war against each other, understand one man in the catholic exploit the armies of catholic while he has killed some islam and also christians who are not catholic. I'm not catholic myself. So, there is a lineage, as of joseph and mary as u look at the lineage perfect Gods plan to sent His Son Jesus, for born to die for all mankind. Jesus left Heaven to become human like us, yet no sin. Jesus is not just a great teacher and prophet. Human try everyway to figure it as God said men think wisley but is a fool. If Jesus isn't the answer, then all of us will be banished cuz sin is still has the power and sin is like a district attorney against u. Jesus is like a defense attourney. Our job is not to cut down other religions, but lead them to know who is christ, but God doesn't force them, so we can't either, more and more islamic beecomes christians and been executed. Some banned them or disown them etc. Who's the oldest religion isn't the issue. But what God establish for salvation for all mankinds. Only Door is Christ. All religions who they worship is still in the grave. But Christ has risen and the grave is empty as christians worship the living Lord while others worship the dead. God loves all mankind, but God left us a choice.
I think it's quite impossible to know what religions were practiced by the most ancient of men. We do know that Hinduism is probably the oldest continually practiced religion, but many who follow pagan relgions believe their history dates even further back. Since the most ancient humans didn't write, it's pretty well impossible to guess what precisely they worshipped - but I have to imagine religion or spirituality is as old as man in some way or another.
MorriganTait said:
I think it's quite impossible to know what religions were practiced by the most ancient of men. We do know that Hinduism is probably the oldest continually practiced religion, but many who follow pagan relgions believe their history dates even further back. Since the most ancient humans didn't write, it's pretty well impossible to guess what precisely they worshipped - but I have to imagine religion or spirituality is as old as man in some way or another.
The writers are written on different kinds, as very early time is not paper and pen. Like Genisis is written many many years later after the creations. Then how the writer knows? Many ways... Voice of God, Spirit of God, spoken thu visions, and spoken thru prophets. Many ways God does. What God does, is seem impossible man can do.
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