I've dated a guys who were 5 years younger than me, or 3 years older than me. It really doesn't matter to me, an age is just a number, but I prefer 26 and up and under the age of 50.
Oh I have date guy who is a year younger then me and 7 yrs older then me. But right now I think I date a guy who is 2 or 3 yrs older then me in the meantime I will find out and let u know.
i date my boyfriend but he older than me but he is 26 years old and im 24 years old but i will become 25 on May 26.
when my mom married my dad and he older than my mom but he is 53 years old and my mom is 47 years old they later both divorces when i was 9 years old im really hates getting divorces of my parents! they later my mom married my step-dad he older than my mom! but he passed away in June 2000 after i graduate from KSD.
I'd been dating with older or younger guys. But youngest is four years young than I am and oldest is 21 years old than I am. But right now, I dont care abt age but I would rather to date with over 18 years old because I dont want to be trouble with anybody who is under of 18 yrs old. But I'm already happier with my Sequoias
I had been date with 12 years older than I am and I had been date with 16 years younger than I am ... What's great challenge for me to have these experiences like that.... I really enjoy date with younger a lot because it is great challenge and good and bad experiences the ages doesn't make any difference especially prefer over 21 years old and up .... Smile and older than me is sure great experiences for me to learn from elder's experiences to share with a lot of respects.
I am married to a man who is 2 years younger than me, but I've dated older men before I was married. I had an affair with a man who is 6 years older than me, now we are just friends..
Age does not matter to me as long as I am loved and respected for who I am. Although, I would not date a man who is old enough to be my father or young enough to be my son.
I've dated or got involved with the younger and older men. The youngest one is 9 years younger than I am and the oldest guy is 14 years older than I am. The age is just a number.