Ohio's Gov. Strickland


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Mar 6, 2006
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Hey, I am 19, turning 20 In 9 days. I wrote a letter to the Gov. In e-mail and got a pretty good response..

Dear Mr. Snyder:

Thank you for your recent letter concerning expanding the Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps. I appreciate you taking the time to contact my office regarding this important issue.

I will remain mindful of your views as I continue to shape Ohio’s healthcare policy.

Once again, thank you for writing. Please feel free to contact my office in the future if we can be of assistance.


Ted Strickland


77 South High Street
30th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 644-4357 Constituent Hotline
(614) 466-9354 fax

Responses to this email address are not monitored.

Should you need additional assistance, please call the Constituent Hotline or visit the Governor’s website to submit another inquiry.

This message and any response to it may constitute a public record and thus may be publicly available to anyone who requests it.


From: Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:29 PM
To: Strickland, Governor
Cc: Governor Reply
Subject: Governor Site Issues

Name: Andrew Snyder
Email: --------------
Address: -----------------
City, State ZIP: --------------
Phone: ---------------

Gov. Strickland,

I wanted to say that you've done a great helping Ohio & columbus with alot so far since Office, and I would like to put a input of my advice maybe helping The Hard of Hearing/Deaf with insurances.. I am 19 turning 20 this April and when I turn 21 I will no longer be accepted for my BCMH insurance for handicapped. Than after my 21st Bday I will have to find an insurance that really really helps Hard of hearing & the deaf w/ hearing aids accessories and hearing aids it's self, cause it's known that Insurance won't help cover hearing aids cause the ones that I have cost $2,500.00 each. I would just like to see some future changes and more helpful situations for ppl whom are Deaf & hard of hearing, I am hard of hearing and very active, I take my hearing aids in when I can to get fix but my deadline is coming soon and when that is and i need something, I'll be forking the money out of my pocket and be left with no living expense. Be nice if you could help us?

Thanks, Sincerely, Andy Snyder