"Oh, you speak so well!" and other annoying comments

God I hate that when people say that to me.

LoL! I remember someone thought I was from Norway because of my speech years ago. I've never had anyone else comment on my deaf speech. When I go up north, most will ask if I'm from the South. This was before I got implanted. I'm told as a child, I did sound like I had a foreign accept and for while I spoke with a Maine accent because my speech teacher was from Maine.
LoL! I remember someone thought I was from Norway because of my speech years ago. I've never had anyone else comment on my deaf speech. When I go up north, most will ask if I'm from the South. This was before I got implanted. I'm told as a child, I did sound like I had a foreign accept and for while I spoke with a Maine accent because my speech teacher was from Maine.

I was born in Baltimore, live there till I was 24 and moved to West Virginia and once in a while someone will ask me if I am American? :mad:
This comment came from someone who had known me for a few years and was a good friend........mind you it was after a few drinks

He asked...."do you carry a card to say you are deaf, just in case you are pulled up by police and they think from yoru speech that you are drunk"............grrrrrrrrrrrr...........my instant response......."do you carry a card to say you are a dork"

I get a bit confused about this speech thing as most people insist that I speak extremely well and say you would never pick my deafness, some I have even had to show h/a to before they will believe me...then there are others who comment on my speech.....whats a girl to believe:dunno2:
This comment came from someone who had known me for a few years and was a good friend........mind you it was after a few drinks

He asked...."do you carry a card to say you are deaf, just in case you are pulled up by police and they think from yoru speech that you are drunk"............grrrrrrrrrrrr...........my instant response......."do you carry a card to say you are a dork"

I get a bit confused about this speech thing as most people insist that I speak extremely well and say you would never pick my deafness, some I have even had to show h/a to before they will believe me...then there are others who comment on my speech.....whats a girl to believe:dunno2:

LoL. I had to laugh at that.

Oh, I can relate to what you say about what people say about speech. Many people find it hard to believe that I'm deaf and that I was born that way.

Before I got implanted, I'd get others who commented on my speech. One lady thought I was from Norway. o.0 When I went up north, everyone kept asking me if I was from the South and I'd say yes, I'm from the South. I wonder how much of my accent was deaf speech or if I really do have a Southern accent.

My audi says I sound normal even though I tend to speak more slowly than most. My father won't say if I sound normal or not.

I haven't been up north in years so I wonder if I'll still get comments on my Southern accent.