Oh Good Grief, &*$&^ Hackers


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May 26, 2004
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*$$&^% hackers. They got into my system and messed everything up, changing passwords and etc. Hoo hah.
Just wondering if this is a trend or what. Anyone else have this problem? Yeah, I know, I know, one should change passwords once a month and all that jazz, but I am floored. Damn, they are good, aren't they? Sighhhhh.
Ouch, not good. Once a hacker gets in, your system's doomed. Maybe it's time to reformat and reinstall everything, included firewall. What Operating System are you running?
Beowulf said:
*$$&^% hackers. They got into my system and messed everything up, changing passwords and etc. Hoo hah.
Just wondering if this is a trend or what. Anyone else have this problem? Yeah, I know, I know, one should change passwords once a month and all that jazz, but I am floored. Damn, they are good, aren't they? Sighhhhh.
I never change the password. I used the same password for 6 years. I am lazy to memorize the new password :x Actually the password is quite long so it is impossible for them to hack with current 'hacking' programs. *knock the wood*

I am sorry to hear that you had to deal with these crap. Curious, do you have the firewall? (either, hardware or software).
I use ME Mellenium Edition in cae there are goddamn pervs
I just want to meet them in person
Sorry to blow ya away, Windows ME is the worst Microsoft operating system.
sequoias said:
Sorry to blow ya away, Windows ME is the worst Microsoft operating system.
Agree. Both Win 98 & ME's security are quite terrible. :mad2: Better to get Win XP if you can.
it is possible that the hacker get into your computer by using a virus. you need to have ur computer scanned for virus. hackers always use virus to get access your computer and change everything in your computer and get passwords. you can have online scanning by going to:


they will make deep scanning to find anything in your computer. This is the best online scanner to find anything in your computer.
The guy at the shop called this computer a toaster oven. But I am PROUD I have the same one I started with. Just do not go nuts and do, say, porn, and do not chat with anyone you do not know, and you will be more or less fine.
That is a statement to be ridiculed I guess.
I do agree that ME is the far worse window operating system. 98 is not that bad but 2000/xp seem to be good way to go however for old computers it best to upgrade all drivers if you want install xp unless you willing to buy new computer.

Do not go to porn, or any sites that could be risk to your computer security such as spies, pop up banners all that junks. Porn and warez sites is famous for those kind. IT can give you hard time to clean it up. Only way is to avoid those and have pop up blocker turn on also have firewall on and have some spyware program to clean it every once in while. I also suggest do not accept any downloading commend (usually with grey box pop up ask to always trust this yes or no) for any kind of programs you see in that grey box such as search bars, smile program (smile central is one of them), sex porns, lot different things because once you click yes if that happen, it will install into your computer and some may have a programming in the software that would send information back to the author of program that develop this. Sometimes they put tricky script when you download something it will also add file into your computer that would cause lot of pop up advertising even pop up blocker couldnt block it.
thankfully my computer has nothing worth hacking...

but yes, can't echo enough, stay away from porn, warez, piracy, underground sites etc. i have about 3 different pop up blockers running at a time, and im still flooded with pop up ads.
Going to porn sites or any sites you are not well knowledgeable about allows for backdoor viruses to be installed when you least expect it.
It happens more than you think. I run a bunch of websites are there are hundreds of attempts to crack into the servers each day. Generally they are just bots that search the web looking for vulnerable programs...those servers are then used to attack other systems and the trend continues.

Hacked computers can be used for a variety of purposes..from sending spam to hosting child porn (yes...your grandmothers computer could have child porn on it and she not know it).

Its important to not only change your passwords but to keep all of your software updated...make sure your also run a firewall, especially with an 'always on' connection like DSL or cable.

There is a saying in the web hosting world...How do you keep your server (or computer) 100% safe? Its easy, just unplug it ;)

Heck...Even the Pentagon isn't safe!