OGO 2.0 is back in usa

Finally! I love the Ogo, but it seems are unpopular... I can't wait for it to RELEASE!!
I thought the Ogo sucked big time.

All of my friends had to wait a long time for their messages to arrive and the only way to really get a hold of them quickly was through text messaging.
thanks for the link.. i have a friend that asked about it and i told her i dunno about it but said i will look it up online and sure enough you did.. so thanks for that! :)
It doesn't seem like OGO is currently available in the US/North America, only in the counties of Austria, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey and Uruguay.

If it were, I don't think I would want one for myself.

For more info on OGO 2.0, go to Ogo Product Page.
i dunno, but i doubt it'll happen again yet i could be wrong. :)

go and tell at&t to bring Ogo back!

AT&T brought Ogo in first place then later merge under Cingular and force to drop Ogo out listing. Now, at&t is back... of course, I know it's from Cingular/SBC. right? Dunno if that gonna affect their decide, would be good for low-class deaf to afford
go and tell at&t to bring Ogo back!

AT&T brought Ogo in first place then later merge under Cingular and force to drop Ogo out listing. Now, at&t is back... of course, I know it's from Cingular/SBC. right? Dunno if that gonna affect their decide, would be good for low-class deaf to afford
PowerON, I fall on floor and laughing so hard with eye-tears... enufff!! because my stomach is pain!
I cannot recall which source I once read that AT&T was going get a new Sidekick-like device. From the way OGO 2.0 looks, I doubt AT&T would want to sell it. Maybe VerizonWireless, Virgin Mobile and the likes will sell OGOs in the US/Northern America market.
I cannot recall which source I once read that AT&T was going get a new Sidekick-like device. From the way OGO 2.0 looks, I doubt AT&T would want to sell it. Maybe VerizonWireless, Virgin Mobile and the likes will sell OGOs in the US/Northern America market.

I'm feeling squirmy over OGO (looks Nerdy and ugly). I prefer high caliber mobile devices like BB Curve or any PDA allow video and high speed internet.
I used to have Ogo which I still have it somewhere! And I ain't go back!!! I will just stay with SK2 and maybe go for SK3 one day. I don't like too basic and make me zzz. Also I don't like E-mail take FOREVER to arrive! I prefer few sec not 1 hour later. UGH!
OGO 2.0 soon

I heard that OGO 2.0 will be release end of the year. And I don't know which one of the carriers...?

I can't find it in Phonescoop.com?? My cousin had purchased OGO last four years ago. OGO is not good and have problem with ATT network.

check this... IXI Mobile(IXI Mobile) or OGO

Ogo is spreading out the world slowly... so i dont know if they would sell Ogo in USA even through its HQS is in Redwood City, California.

edit: correct spelling OGO not OJO
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Um DeafClimber -- you may want to check the last URL. It should be Ogo.com, not Ojo.com. :P
lol thanks for correcting me ! i am half sleepy in the morning... would someone get me some coffee !
Yes, OGO are already released in Asia,and Europe last year...they are very popular like hot cake! But not this USA yet.

I remembered that OGO under ATT few years ago....until Sidekick appeared. They dropped OGO for better SK...that's why ...wrong time.

I think that IXI HQ trying to change OGO for better than any SK, BB, and etc...who knows?
