Official Internet Scavenger Hunt Game


Find me bottle of Coca Cola Zero
Coca-Cola Zero

Now that black dachshund had me laughing. His eyes looks so strange.

Show me a man with bushy beard, wearing a beret, s'il vous plait.
Merci beaucoup.

Find me a young childhood picture of Hillary Clinton.

Nope that aint yell county EMS sis thats the Special Operations Resource Team van - its an old YCEMS Basic (BLS) Type converted over for the Sheriff's Department. BTW thats the city park in the background. :D Keep lookin' theyve got one on the internet!
JEEZ! I Googled and could not FIND sure give us a TOUGH one!!! :eek3:

Nope that aint yell county EMS sis thats the Special Operations Resource Team van - its an old YCEMS Basic (BLS) Type converted over for the Sheriff's Department. BTW thats the city park in the background. :D Keep lookin' theyve got one on the internet!
there it is - for some reason it was not coming up on Google but its on the internet. But the only reason I found it was because I knew exactly where it was at and its not stored on my local computer.
BTW - find me a B&W of an old barn with a mountain in the background. This should be easier :D