nVidia's Android Tablet pawned IPAD!

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HTML5 final release and added to W3C won't be til 2022, which explains why not many companies are jumping on the HTML5 bandwagon, just yet. It may run faster but still there are a lot of things to tweak out before putting it out in the wild.

HTML5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HTML 5 Won’t Be Ready Until 2022. Yes, 2022. | Webmonkey| Wired.com

the last link is old but I haven't heard anything about the process except on what has been stated in the wikipedia page.

Plus Flash 10.1 for Android is STILL in BETA stage, which means it is expected for one to experience bugs and lags so they are still collecting data from many android devices to tweak it out and fix it, so no worries. Once the final release come out, it will finally be in full force but of course updates are expected to follow as more and more companies will produce Flash based media/sites and they may have different code implementation that hasn't been included with the flash application for Android.
Now i understanding what HTML 5 is about.. its very impressive me. YouTube already runs HTM5 officially.
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Hee hee! :lol: