Noticing the limitations with hearing impairment more as an adult?


New Member
Dec 7, 2013
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This isn't meant to sound pessimistic though at the current age of 22 born with a profound hearing-loss, did anyone else begin to notice how their hearing-loss/deafness affects them when they reached an adult?

For example as an adult I've become more aware and conscious now about how my hearing loss limits my interaction with hearing people. Which naturally is really frustrating at times losing the conversation all the time and feeling foolish having to ask people what they're talking about.

Particularly I've noticed if theres more than 4 people talking at a dinner table it's really easy even then to loose track what people are saying. As a result I sometimes think would I have more friends if I wasn't deaf?

Though reflecting back when I was younger I didn't think about it so much at all or see how much it limited me.

Usually despite all odds I'd try to keep optimistic and not let it stop me. Though as I've grown more it sometimes feels really hard and a struggle itself just to stay positive and keep my self-esteem and confidence up.

Your responses and thoughts would be grateful to hear. Cheers
I was born HOH and did not know I was until I was almost 8 yo. I found that I where I lived had to do more with having friends. Living in New England is hard to made friends b/c people can be very snobby here. I had a lot of friends when I lived in Berkeley , California , people are more friendly there .