Not wearing Hearing aids

That is why I seldom speak to strangers. You can get some really odd reactions when they keep trying to talk to you. I agree - they think that if you speak, you can hear. I suppose I am only fostering that misconception, but I do not have the time nor the inclination to educate them. ah ... well... ?
Never wear hearing aids and yet people think I'm drunk during my voice.
where i live i would never advertise that i am deaf !! once upon a time it was respected. these days it is used against you and your car and house will be targeted for robbery. it is sort of like having a NRA sticker on your truck, a thief will follow a NRA sticker car to the owners home knowing they win the lottery when they break n the gun owners home.

If that were the case they would be in for a very rude awakening when they tried to break into my house. I'm not advertising I'm deaf. I'm trying to not get killed when I get pulled over. Being deaf by no mean puts you at the mercy of others. The first rules of self defense is to be aware of your environment, to be observant of your surroundings. Been deaf for a long time, I'm not fooling anyone, and have never been a victim of a crime. Besides my so-called advertising didn't do me any good when asked for directions. Personally, my being deaf has heightened my ability to know what is going on around me. Does putting the stickers on my car mean someone is going to try to steal my hearing aids? Remember, I am deaf when not wearing the aids. That was the whole point of this thread.
I keep pens, pencils and note paper handy. I have found that in some places they don't want to cooperate. Other places will. I recently had to go through a license and registration check point. First one since going total deaf. I signed to the officer that I was deaf, he provided a laminated sheet with pictures that explains what he needed and thanked me for telling him. He then asked me if there was anything else he should have done as I was his first deaf person he dealt with. I told him I was fine with everything and was all my paperwork in order and he let me go. Said no problems, you are totally legal.