Not For The Squeamish


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
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I was going through some sites trying to find a solution to my hearing loss situatio and came across a real vidoe of a CI surgery. Many of you may have seen this,I had not,only diagrams.PLease:Dont watch if you are squeamish its vary graphic. Tampa Bay Hearing and Balance Center: Home Click on cochlear implants then surgery.
I got to watch a CI surgery live - it was such an amazing experience. Its graphic, yes but its surgery!
absolutely neecy, nothing to be taken lightly! How did you get to see one live?
That reminds me. I was awake for my caesarean section to have my daughter and my friend (she was allowed into theatre for support as my husband disappeared with the baby) took lots of photos for me, including the surgeon stitching me back up. Very graphic but interesting. I agree though, the sight of blood does make some people's stomach weak no matter what surgery it is.
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Oh yeah, I've seen the video. It's rather graphic but I still went ahead and got it done.
I tried watching it but I have problems stomaching watching anything like that. I'm a wimp. :)
absolutely neecy, nothing to be taken lightly! How did you get to see one live?

My audie asked me if I would be willing to meet with a group of his graduate students in the audiology/cochlear tech program and answer some of their questions, then afterwards we all (me, my audie, and 5 students) got to watch Dr Brian Westerberg (who did my implantation) do an implant via closed-circuit TV. We got the view that he sees through the "close-up microscope" type system they use - it has the ability to transmit whatever its focused on. It was just an amazing experience, especially seeing it and thinking "thats what they did to ME a year ago!"

~edit~ I just remembered one rather funny incident while we were watching the implant. After the initial incision and drilling was done, my audie had to go down to the operating room to test the implant itself to make sure all the electrodes were functioning properly, prior to them implanting it. Since he was up in the conference room with us, the nurses in the operating room wrote on a piece of paper asking him to come down and stuck it under the video camera!!!!
I cant view it my quicktime is outdated.... darn!