Not completely deaf

:wave: I'm hoh with possible CAPD. Born very premature with missing inner ear bones, according to NICU doctors. Don't know if I had any minimal or mild HL at birth or in very young childhood that was missed, as this was the 70's, it's possible.

Was in Special Ed for speech and language; learning disability not diagnosed til I was failing remedial math again and again in college. I had DVR in college but have not pursued it in relation to HA's now, for myself, <don't wear aids but am considering> because in order to get anything with or from them there's a lot of requirements, paperwork and steps one must take, they just don't meet with you once and give you stuff.

My husband oral deaf/hh, raised mainstream solitaire in small, rural and very homogenous community. He was adopted. I was raised in an urban area. I'm Jewish, raised in a secular home.
I sign some, poorly. Have taken classes with Deaf teachers which I highly recommend. Hub is very oral, very technical, very averse to seeming "different" and doesn't do well with subtlety, body language and has a hard time getting away from "literal-ness". <I've always been "different" in many ways so trying to "fit in" isn't something I think about> He has some traits that may technically put him mildly on the Spectrum.
He had the courage once to take a class with me led by two Deaf teachers. It was hard for him to try.
So he doesn't sign....though at home and sometimes out and about we use some home signs.