No Worries


New Member
May 29, 2010
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I'm new here (and to ASL)

Is there a one hand, quick, sign for "no worries" or "no problem"?

Hmmm... I couldn't find anything online... Maybe sign "worry" but shake your head 'no' ? Or use a sign like "that's cool" which I have seen here on the east coast... Let us know if you come up with one.
Hmmm... I couldn't find anything online... Maybe sign "worry" but shake your head 'no' ? Or use a sign like "that's cool" which I have seen here on the east coast... Let us know if you come up with one.

yeah that would be it. either that you can name the opposite then clarify sign ex: me worried? no. We learned to state opposites to clarify, but signing worried while shaking the head "no" works just as well
One-hand sign? How about FINE or O-K?
I don't know if it help, but when people tell me no worries, they usually say "It's cool" I don't know the sign for that, but I do know this poster want to be hip about it (something that will match her mood).
I don't know if it help, but when people tell me no worries, they usually say "It's cool" I don't know the sign for that, but I do know this poster want to be hip about it (something that will match her mood).

Sign for cool. same as "fine" but fingers wiggle, so "its cool" would be on the face while signing "cool"
fine definitely works

Yeah - FINE (5 @ chest) with a subtle side of to side head shake, very slight shoulder shrug (like "whatever" etc) and appropriate facial grammar is what I was going to suggest too :)

The other one I was thinking of that works, but isn't as clear is a one-handed version of "Doesn't Matter" / "whatever" ("5hands brush back and forth against each other repeatedly ... so in this case just a 5hand doing one "side" of the motion - basically fanning the air with a sideways 5hand lol). It's not nearly as clear - espeically to beginners etc .. however I might (accidentally lol) use it if I was carrying some books/child etc while chatting with someone I knew reasonably well (so we knew each other's signing "style")
Yeah - FINE (5 @ chest) with a subtle side of to side head shake, very slight shoulder shrug (like "whatever" etc) and appropriate facial grammar is what I was going to suggest too :)

The other one I was thinking of that works, but isn't as clear is a one-handed version of "Doesn't Matter" / "whatever" ("5hands brush back and forth against each other repeatedly ... so in this case just a 5hand doing one "side" of the motion - basically fanning the air with a sideways 5hand lol). It's not nearly as clear - espeically to beginners etc .. however I might (accidentally lol) use it if I was carrying some books/child etc while chatting with someone I knew reasonably well (so we knew each other's signing "style")

Yeah that would work for sure as long as the context was clear. Knowing each other's signing style would clarify if it should be used yeah. We are soo good! lol
Sign for cool. same as "fine" but fingers wiggle, so "its cool" would be on the face while signing "cool"

That's how I learned it, but not on the face... we do that sign with the thumb touching the chest.