No More War

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Sep 14, 2006
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In a world scarred by violent conflicts and ideological confrontations, made worse by religious misinterpretations and cultural extremism and bigotry, the global community is threatened with endless conflicts and wars. The United Nations, set up to prevent wars and to achieve peaceful solutions to world conflicts has been denigrated by the very nations which founded it. Now peace is getting even further from becoming a reality. We are still primitive beacuse we believe in killing people to solve our problems.

While the United Nations may be emasculated, it is still the only hope of mankind. Setting up another institution would do no better. Like it or not, humanity must once again make a commitment to the UN. We need to appeal to the ordinary people in every country to reject leaders who ignore the UN and who reject its mission.

We now have this Declaration of the International Day of Peace every 21st day of september, which "is meant to be a day of global ceasefire, when all countries and all people stop hostilities for the entire day..." If the leaders will not, then the people should. They should for one day in a year stop all hostilities. The media should cease for one day from inflaming passions and hatred in the name of peace.

In modern war, leaders and generals stay far behind the lines and are in no danger of getting killed or wounded.


The supreme sacrifice must be made by the young people. Knowing this, the leaders and generals still see war as an option in settling conflicts between nations. By their soldiers ceasing hostilities for one day, the leaders and generals will be forced to appreciate that they have no right to sacrifice young peopl in wars which will solve nothing.

If this annual International Day of Peace could be a small step forward in addressing and raising global awareness on the inhuman afflictions caused by war, it would certainly be a most laudable endeavour. If this UN call for cessation of hostilities for just one day on September 21st is observed by all warring factions in the world, then we can say that the global peace agenda is starting to get dividends. Of course the ultimate objective is for all nations and their leaders to one day agree that for mankind to survive, for modern civilization to be meaningful, there must be a unified effot to criminalize all wars!
While this is a noble and laudable endeavor in which we ought to strive for in our world, it ignores the basic nature of man. It assumes that man is good at his core. Unfortunately, that is a very flawed assumption where reality constantly affirms each and every day. Peace is not to be found within man. It is found outside of him. Until that is recognized, the search for peace will always be a futile effort. History bears this truth time and time again.

The proof is in the pudding... Look at man's history which is full of strife and war mainly over the most mundane and stupid stuff. Once in a while, it is over something important. Getting even more to the point and taking war out of the picture, have we not people that are never satisfied and content with what they have? Most crimes are because of wants not needs. Taking crime out of the picture with simple human interactions. Disagreements (or worst) are the staple of life and nobody really gets through the day without one or more such incidents. Peace requires a harmony within man that doesn't exist no matter how much he tries to impose it from the outside. Fix man from the inside, then peace will have a chance.
ohhh again war?

i dont know about this still war again sudden? because too dangerous this nation union had vote agree be can order war again!!!



If the war never exist long time ago, there would be overcrowd population on planets already as we would run out of everything we need, eh eh?
Man is still a violent ape--just more intelligent. I wish it were that simple--just live together in peace and no more war. But man have been warring, raping, looting since dawn of time and chances are man won't change.
Man is still a violent ape--just more intelligent. I wish it were that simple--just live together in peace and no more war. But man have been warring, raping, looting since dawn of time and chances are man won't change.

not always man but women and kids, too. Such as there alot lady teachers rape students, kids bring guns at school, and get in fight to make illegal movie at online and more.
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