No More Pen And Paper


New Member
Jul 20, 2007
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I created windows software, hearing talks to computer with headset microphone, speech recognition converts to text so you can read. Then you type into computer, computer converts to speech so hearing can hear you speak.

I don't know what to charge for it, but I would like to give it away to people who are deaf.

Please reply if you're itnerested, or PM me and I'll give you download link, this is not attempt to earn sales, I need deaf people opinion on program.

Please PM me if interested, if this deleted by mod, I'll try make post with download link so you can get for free, I only need your honest opinions.

So this is like the Dragon Naturally Speaking software, yes?

What are the system requirements?
It's more advanced than dragons naturally speaking because not only does it understand spoken words, but you can also type into a box, and type GA and the software will speak out loud what you have just typed.

It works on Windows XP and Windows Vista with no problems, it requires computer speakers and a decent microphone ( a headset microphone is recommended for good speech recognition, but it can still understand a little bit with cheap microphone ).

Alex, if you want, I can give you a free copy of the software if you don't mind reviewing it and helping me figure out how to improve software.

I want deaf and hearing to communicate easily. My mom has been using it in State of Alaska offices.

She has this program on CD, when she goes to check on status of Disability or SSI money, she enters CD into State office computer and it acts perfect with the headset microphones most front desk offices already have.

Thanks for your reponse.
Why windows only?

Don't force people to pay the microsoft tax to use your program. It's admirable that you spent time writing the program, and even more so that you want to give it away, but why do you discriminate against Mac, Linux and other users?

I'm not disciminating against mac or linux users, a version for
those two operating systems are already in development.

Do you run a macintosh?
I would like to try out that program but that it requires PC. I use a Macintosh, too.