

New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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first time user, not very good at these type of "introduce yourself" threads but here goes nothing

I started to lose my hearing around 18 months old, my left ear is fully deaf and my right ear has about 10-12% hearing left. I prefer to read lips because I can read lips pretty darn well. I tried ASL for over a year and I slowly lost interest since I don't have any deaf/HoH friends at all. Most of all I just did not feel comfortable doing sign language because I am mostly a talker and my non-deaf/HoH friends have no problem understanding what I say to them sometimes because I did speech therapy for 16+ years.

I don't know what else to say since I ain't good at these type of things but I guess the reason why I signed up was to read other people stories or posts about jobs/careers/life/friends/etc.

This seems to be like the a very popular forum according to search engines so I figured I give it a shot, cheers!

Welcome, and I can relate... I used to read lips very well till I went to a really rough high school and shy'd away from it. My hearing friends understand me, but others in public ask where I am from because it sounds like I speak with an
Welcome, and I can relate... I used to read lips very well till I went to a really rough high school and shy'd away from it. My hearing friends understand me, but others in public ask where I am from because it sounds like I speak with an

Funny you mention the accent part because I have been asked many many times if I was from a different country because of how I sounded to them or whatever lol

I just simply say, "Nope, I am from Amerrrriccccaaaaaaaa, f*ck yeah!"
(team america version of course)

So what is it like to be in a deaf/hoh message board? This is the first time I have ever signed up with a deaf/hoh forum/chat community ever, hell I don't even have a facebook profile!
