new! Treo 600

MD Froman said:
Good thing you are sedentary,Sidekicks don't even work in 88% of the US market and charge you $.60 per character when roaming outside their tiny coverage area :)

I was hope you mis-read. Probably it would be 60¢ per minutes on voice?
I hope this isn't stupid question! I'm wondering if it's possible to own a Treo 600 without a cell phone plan, just e-mail, web browser, AIM and etc? I hope that's not gonna be expensive to exclude the cell phone.
e said:
I hope this isn't stupid question! I'm wondering if it's possible to own a Treo 600 without a cell phone plan, just e-mail, web browser, AIM and etc? I hope that's not gonna be expensive to exclude the cell phone.

AT&T Wireless
$29.99 for only 10MB per month on internet/e-mail/AIM

I couldn't get in - something's wrong with this website...

T-Mobile might will have Treo 600 available. The rate plan would be pretty same as Sidekick. $29.99 for unlimited internet/e-mail/AIM

Data only plans are $35 a month for 20MB for the Treo 600.

The only other providers for Treo 600 are AT&T and Cingular, as far as I know, for the time being.

weekend said:
AT&T Wireless
$29.99 for only 10MB per month on internet/e-mail/AIM

I couldn't get in - something's wrong with this website...

T-Mobile might will have Treo 600 available. The rate plan would be pretty same as Sidekick. $29.99 for unlimited internet/e-mail/AIM
:lol: i am waitin' til tero 600 goes down, it will be like a year or year n' half before it even get to 300 bucks but when it become cheaper.. i am getting it and give color SK to my mom.
My understanding is that if you have an existing plan with an earlier Treo model (i.e., Sprint Treo 300), some of the companies offer incentives for you to upgrade to the Treo 600 for a certain price or deal. It depends on the company. I'm hoping to do this soon for my phone.
:eek: offer rebate on Treo 600 for $249.99!

Of course, need to pay $599.99 and receive $350 rebate. oh boy...
I am thinking about buying Treo 600 at the end of this summer. I hope to find the best deal without voice, but is tty ready, unlimited aim/msn/email/internet and affordable! I also hope the companies start treating pagers the same as phones so I can get the family package deal if there is one!

I am now not too impressed with Sidekicks because one of my best friends confessed to me that he had to send his Sidekick to get fixed SIX times since he started using it 6 months ago! Whoa, damn! Forget about replacing your pager at least once a month!

see! Sidekick break easy! becase of that dang display flipping. :roll:

sorry, sidekick users. :)
The breaking of the flipping part only happened 2 times out of the 6 times his Sidekick broke. The tohers were the screen looks like it bled out, and others were about the thumb-dial that flashes many colors breaking or not responding.
I looked up Treo 600 from internet, it's awesome and rock! sidekick sucks since I have problem with it and exchange many time like 10 times. I like Treo 600 and wondering does Treo 600 have AIM, Yahoo messenger?
Christo said:
I looked up Treo 600 from internet, it's awesome and rock! sidekick sucks since I have problem with it and exchange many time like 10 times. I like Treo 600 and wondering does Treo 600 have AIM, Yahoo messenger?

You can get the IM programs with a 3rd party program, i.e., VeriChat. That ROCKS, 4 IM programs in one cell phone (AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, and MSN Messenger)
Dennis said:
You can get the IM programs with a 3rd party program, i.e., VeriChat. That ROCKS, 4 IM programs in one cell phone (AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, and MSN Messenger)

Nifty!! I know the first pager I will get is a Treo 600. By the time I buy one, it'll be cheaper than it is today.
Treo 600 is great and save the money and buy it probably this fall or winter.
anyone want Treo 600? It's like.. less $100 at eBay :D

It's only real AIM application will work on Treo 600 not on 650 and 700 like mine. lol