new to the deaf culture


New Member
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
hey im new to the asl thing and would like to chat to anyone who is deaf ro hard of hearing im really interested in becoming a asl teacher when im older and would love it if someone could help me to learn please help xxoo:deaf:
hey im new to the asl thing and would like to chat to anyone who is deaf ro hard of hearing im really interested in becoming a asl teacher when im older and would love it if someone could help me to learn please help xxoo:deaf:

Hey! You already made one thread with this exact same message, and a member posted the link where you can receive this help.

Multiple postings of this sort are not allowed.
You know the newbs get a delay on their postings, Botti. He/she probably thought the first one didn't go through.
Oops! Thought you did. ;)

I think the first 10 postings have to be approved by a Mod before they go up.