New to hearingaids (Apr 2011JJ)


New Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Hi, I'm wearing a pair of Phonak Audeo IX Smart's and am very satisfied with the improvments they've made in my ability to communicate so much easier and successfully with little or no effort. As I'm a long time walker and exercise enthusist (heck I'm only 72) :lol: my audiologist suggested I consider getting a Phonak iCom as I had difficulty hearing my iphone while doing my daily 2.5 mi 30 min walk or just out and about in various environments.'s really nice and works like a charm. People might think I'm a little nuts talking to myself or punching my chest but hell....what's new. :wave: Anyway, my question is...With bluetooth enabled on my iphone all the time is it running the battery down because the phone is constantly searching for a bluetooth connection? I turn the icom off while i'm here at home so there arn't any devices for the phone to connect to. If it runs the battery down I suppose I could disable the BT on the iphone as well. Any suggestionss? Oh, I have heard there are many other applications where the icom comes in handy as well. Any tips or tricks that would help my to take full advantage of this little rascal? I also got the TV Link in the package but not too excited about it.
Thanks for putting up with my rambling.
you can stream the music from your iPhone to the iCom which is nice..or plug the iCom into an iPod or MP3 player or your computer ..pretty much anything that has audio you can use the iCom with. And yes if you have the iCom on and you aren't using it will still make the battery go low..and if you are using it with something your hearing aid battery will also deplete faster.
I looked forever trying to find the right hearing aid for me. Choosing a hearing aid can be a complex process. Some are small enough to fit inside your ear canal, making them almost invisible. Others fit partially in your ear canal. Thanks for sharing…